PODCAST: Spacing Radio 048, Safety and wellbeing in Edmonton
In this episode, Natasha Henry, president of the Ontario Black History Society, tells us about the importance of August 1st: Canada’s Emancipation...
By Spacing Radio -
Why is City of Toronto sole-sourcing key digital infrastructure?
Toronto City Council is set to vote this week on a staff recommendation to sole-source a contract for a technology system. The contract is with Kansas...
By Bianca Wylie -
Apology, Truth, and Reparations: The overdue reckoning with Canada’s slave past
This essay is a sequel to Natasha Henry’s account of the history of enslavement of Black people in Canada prior to 1834, published in Spacing last month...
By Natasha Henry -
The connections between public art and activism
In this moment of social and political upheaval, as protesters demand racial justice in response to police brutality and systemic racism, people are...
By Sarah Ratzlaff -
COVID RECOVERY: Timid bus priority plan in Toronto needs to be bigger & bolder
This week, the Executive Committee of Toronto City Council is considering a motion to prioritize public transit on select roadways through the...
By Tricia Wood -
How public institutions fail Black children
All Black lives matter. Andrew Loku, Abdirahman Abdi, D’Andre Campbell, Regis Korchinski-Paquet and numerous Black lives — which includes Trans and queer...
By Emilie Jabouin -
How COVID-19 can catalyze coordination in Greater Toronto
By André Côté, Gabriel Eidelman, and Michael Fenn. The reopening in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the recovery planning to come, represent an...
By Gabriel Eidelman -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 047, The problem with police
The world is taking a hard look at their police forces, the violence they use, the deaths that result, and the systemic and anti-Black racism that even...
By Spacing Radio -
LORINC: Is Toronto missing the middle or missing the mark on housing?
A thought experiment: Imagine Toronto is a big city experiencing a housing affordability crisis and steadily worsening polarization. Municipal officials...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Council fails accountability test on defunding the police
For all the heat and light generated by Monday’s debate over defunding or detasking the police, the compromise — or compromised, depending on your...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: The pandemic is about cities
Viruses, in the abstract, don’t care much about their host organisms, beyond the latter’s on-board, physiological defenses. Yet it’s clear the coronavirus...
By John Lorinc -
THOMPSON: Saunders’ departure won’t fix the problem of policing in Toronto
What can be said about chief Mark Saunders’ sudden departure from the Toronto Police Service (TPS)? In truth, I am neither happy nor disappointed about...
By Cheryl Thompson