LORINC: Police can’t find road to reform even when given a map
Would Regis Korchinski-Paquet be alive today if the Toronto Police Service (TPS) had adopted the recommendations of a sweeping 2014 review of its flawed...
By John Lorinc -
Post-pandemic economic recovery requires strong public transit
The job losses and damage to many retail businesses from the COVID-19 pandemic and related mobility restrictions mean that Toronto and other cities face a...
By Tricia Wood -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 046, Toronto City Council is buffering
There have been two full, virtual City Council meetings since the COVID-19 outbreak in Toronto. Those meeting saw near-unanimous votes about building...
By Spacing Radio -
Why isn’t there more proactive testing for COVID-19 in the shelter system?
As of May 14, Toronto Public Health (TPH) and the Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (SSHA) have identified over 299 cases of the COVID-19 among...
By John Clapp -
LORINC: What will transit look like in a post-pandemic world?
For years, transit advocates warned Toronto politicians in all three orders of government that the city’s transit infrastructure will forcefully slam into...
By John Lorinc -
CRESSY: A public health prescription for Toronto’s future
Over the past two months, we all have learned to speak the language of public health. We talk about physical distancing and flattening the curve. We read...
By Joe Cressy -
LORINC: Sidewalk Labs steps away from Toronto waterfront
From the earliest days of Sidewalk Labs’ bid to establish a beachhead on Toronto’s waterfront, the cultural mismatch, for lack of a better term, was...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: The need for local democracy during a pandemic (and are residents tuning out?)
A guy at the park where I take my dog after dinner said the other night that he’d heard the traffic on the 401 last Friday was almost rush-hour like. I...
By John Lorinc -
Lessons on urban mobility and inequality during a pandemic
Many cities around the world have started to open up road space for non-automotive movement to give people room to get some exercise safely. As Toronto...
By Tricia Wood -
City officials obfuscate while COVID-19 cases spike in homeless shelters
On April 8, Dr. Eileen de Villa, Toronto’s medical officer of health, and Mary-Anne Bedard, general manager of the City’s shelter, support and housing...
By John Clapp -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 045, What matters in a pandemic
In a time of snitch lines, and shuttered park space, we dive into what we’re prioritizing in this pandemic, and what, and especially who, is...
By Spacing Radio -
LORINC: The pandemic is allowing residents to see our streets differently
On my long morning dog-walk the other day, a woman and her tween-age daughter jogged past me. I was walking down the middle of the road, which was also...
By John Lorinc