PODCAST: Spacing Radio 083, The War on Bikes
With Premier Doug Ford’s repeated promises to rip up bike lanes in Toronto, and possibly even other Ontario cities and towns, we’ve decided to...
By Spacing Radio -
Dead man/woman/child cycling
Somewhere in this city, there’s a cyclist going about their business who will die in a terrible accident — perhaps sooner, perhaps later — because...
By John Lorinc -
Toronto to Ford: Stay in your lane
There are few elected officials who understand the politics of driving, with its brain stem triggers, quite as acutely as the Fords — first Rob, who...
By John Lorinc -
Watch this space
While the bulk of last week’s media coverage of Infrastructure Ontario’s curiously-timed disclosure of Therme’s lease focused on the...
By John Lorinc -
Why is the Board of Trade shilling for The Big Doug?
There are so many sensible reasons to not build a Toronto by-pass tunnel — what we at Spacing have dubbed `The Big Doug’ after Boston’s...
By John Lorinc -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 082, Toronto’s political gridlock
This month, we respond to Doug Ford’s stated plan of banning new bike lanes in Ontario municipalities and building an underground highway from...
By Spacing Radio -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 081, Talking Transit ’24
It’s been a while since we had a good, old-fashioned transit talk with friends of the show Tricia Wood (York University urban geography professor...
By Spacing Radio -
Ontario Place’s West Island trees on death watch
Every week this summer Francesca Bouaoun has launched her kayak at Ontario Place to check on the trees. They’re a stand of 850 trees planted 54 years ago...
By Ian Darragh -
They Brought Back the Don
In the coming weeks, Waterfront Toronto crews will remove the final plug in the new Lower Don, thereby allowing the river to finally flow naturally...
By John Lorinc -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 079, Is Toronto strangled by rules?
Toronto is often accused of being over-regulated. It’s a fair criticism. For example, photographer and urbanist commentator Dan Seljak tells us how...
By Spacing Radio -
OP-ED: Avenue Road – a bad way to make good roads
If there is a good way to make city streets safe, Avenue Road is a bad example. By the time a proposed interim safety plan for Avenue Road reached City...
By Albert Koehl -
LORINC: The Gordian Knot that is Toronto Island
In a city that loves to make, but not execute, plans and then overthink, but not solve, problems, there’s surely no better illustration of this...
By John Lorinc