Is it time for Canadian cities to think about road pricing? Put it to the people and find out.
Editor: With congestion grinding cities down and road pricing hitting political buffers, is there a better route to a solution? Spacing is pleased to...
By Nicholas Sanderson -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 033, Big Idea
In this episode, we dive into a few Big Ideas. First up is National Geographic explorer and geographer Daniel Raven-Ellison, who started a movement to...
By Spacing Radio -
LORINC: Why is Sidewalk Labs so Interested in Your Health?
With the new Waterfront Toronto (WT) directors now officially on the job, the re-constituted board should ask itself why Sidewalk Labs — ostensibly a...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: How to reframe Toronto’s 2020 budget debate
I imagine Mayor John Tory, like all good conservatives of his generation and breeding, worshipped at the alter of Michael Wilson, the storied Bay Street...
By John Lorinc -
Jackie Shane and archive anger
Jackie Shane (b. May 15, 1940; d. February 22, 2019) is gone, and this time it’s true. I say ‘this time’ because after Jackie left Toronto in 1971...
By Steven Maynard -
Ford, Sidewalk Labs, and all the moving parts on Toronto’s waterfront
Through his brief career as a city councillor and now as premier, Doug Ford has returned repeatedly to the fantasy that the private sector will happily...
By John Lorinc -
Did the Sidewalk Labs plot just thicken, or is the story coming to an end?
A series of exposés in recent days, in both The Toronto Star and the National Observer, revealed that Sidewalk Labs has retained a small army of lobbyists...
By Bianca Wylie -
CodeRedTO Op Ed: Does Toronto transit need an upload? Or a download?
By Cameron MacLeod There’s been significant discussion on changing the regional transit org chart recently. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been accompanied by...
By Spacing -
Doug Ford’s TTC subway upload and Margaret Thatcher’s cautionary tale
As the province contemplates major structural change to Toronto’s transit system, I want to offer London’s rocky history with transit...
By Tricia Wood -
Can we stop talking about congestion? It’s not the point
This is probably a pointless plea, but can we stop talking about congestion? Our conversations about transportation in Canadian urban regions these days...
By Tricia Wood -
LORINC: What’s the big idea behind Housing Now?
John Tory’s executive committee convenes today to consider, among other items, the fleshed out implementation strategy for the first phase of his Housing...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Will this council actually fix Toronto’s housing crisis?
If you did the blink test on last fall’s municipal election (disregarding all the static created by Doug Ford’s intervention), it would be fair to say the...
By John Lorinc