EVENT: Shawn Micallef talks about Frontier City: Toronto on the Verge of Greatness Mon Dec 18
WHAT: Author talk WHERE: Toronto Reference Library main atrium – 789 Yonge St. WHEN: Monday Dec 18th, 7PM-8PM HOW MUCH: Free Spacing senior editor...
By Spacing -
LORINC: Sidewalk Labs has hit a roadblock
The City of Toronto last week clearly signaled to Waterfront Toronto (WT) that the tripartite development agency drastically overstepped its mandate by...
By John Lorinc -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 018, The Battle of Portage & Main
In this special episode, we devote our entire time to an issue that’s plagued Winnipeg for nearly 40 years: pedestrians are not allowed to cross the...
By Spacing Radio -
LORINC: Toronto’s demographics and the 2018 city election
With next year’s municipal vote now less than a year away, the pre-election positioning has begun in earnest – the most recent example being a pitch by...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Does the new TCHC fire safety plan go far enough?
In the days and weeks following the Grenfell high rise fire disaster in London, U.K. last June, thousands of Toronto apartment dwellers placed anxious...
By John Lorinc -
OMB Reform: What empowered municipalities mean for new housing
In May of this year, the Government of Ontario introduced legislation that would “overhaul” the province’s land use planning appeals system. The proposed...
By Jonathan Nehmetallah -
LORINC: Rob Ford drove his reputation into the ground
On October 2, 2013 – exactly, as it happens, four years ago today – a certain Detective Constable Khoshbooi, of the Toronto Police Service, swore an...
By John Lorinc -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 016, the Racist Roots of Canadian Cities
In this episode, we speak to Toronto Dreams Project founder Adam Bunch, who took a tour this summer of Toronto’s problematic landmarks. We also ask...
By Spacing Radio -
The North Market and what Toronto can learn from Barcelona’s El Born
Part of a mayor’s job is to build the city, even as he takes care with taxpayers’ money. John Tory has an opportunity to add a big brick for...
By Alfred Holden -
LORINC: The unnecessary return of Doug Ford
Give Doug Ford this much: one has to admire, in a grudging way, someone with the sheer lack of self-awareness required to believe that Torontonians are...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: TOCore and Jennifer Keesmaat’s legacy
Since the City announced chief planner Jennifer Keesmaat’s departure last week, much of the commentary about her stint in that high profile gig has...
By John Lorinc -
Scarborough’s gun violence a symptom of larger issues
In 2007, Toronto Life painted a depressing, dreary picture of Scarborough as being filled with street gang violence. In July, when 11 shootings took place...
By Cheryl Thompson