LORINC: What the Hebdo killings, and their aftermath, say about global cities
Yesterday’s massive demonstrations — in Paris, as well capitals around the world, including Toronto – offered a vivid reminder that 21st century...
By John Lorinc -
BURALE: The reality of fighting poverty
If cities had New Year’s resolutions, Toronto’s should be a poverty reduction strategy. According to the new report on child poverty released in...
By Idil Burale -
The horror of the Rupert Hotel fire still lingers
The fire had been burning out of control at the Rupert Hotel for 17 minutes before someone called 911. As flames and acrid smoke filled the corridors of...
By Chris Bateman -
LORINC: Waterfront Toronto two steps ahead of Minnan-Wong’s forced outrage
One of the great fictions of the Rob Ford era is that only a tiny clutch of politicians kept watch over all the devious civil servants and special...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Tory lands in middle of island airport mess
During a campaign-style drive-by in Mississauga last week, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, according to reports, sought out Toronto’s newly installed...
By John Lorinc -
The grim history of the Ku Klux Klan in Toronto
Two men in hooded Ku Klux Klan uniforms flash Nazi salutes on a porch. Beside them, a woman with “white power” tattooed crudely across her chest stands...
By Chris Bateman -
BURALE: Tory needs to repair trust between police and community
Mayor John Tory said he wanted to improve the relationship between the Toronto Police Service (TPS) and the community, and signaled his intention to sit...
By Idil Burale -
LORINC: Denzil goes to the Waterfront
Not long after amalgamation, when Toronto council still had 57 members and met at Metro Hall, I set up a lunch-time interview with Denzil Minnan-Wong at...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Welcome to Tory Nation
Four years seems like such a very long time ago. Don Cherry, pinkos, and then a lengthy, nausea-inducing ride on the roller coaster of Rob Ford’s version...
By John Lorinc -
Toronto, Queen’s Park, and the circus at the School Board
If Premier Kathleen Wynne truly had the courage of the convictions that made her a great education advocate a decade ago, she’d ditch the measured calls...
By John Lorinc -
BURALE: Ford Nation is not dead
Idil Burale is a new contributor to Spacing and recently ran in ward 1 for city councillor On October 27th, Torontonians – much to the disappointment of...
By Idil Burale -
LORINC: Memo to Tory — find a transit quick win
Last week, mayor-elect John Tory went out of his way, via drive-time interviews on talk radio, to assure drivers that their commute would be easier by...
By John Lorinc