LORINC: Campaign Notes — Tory & Stintz are in & Doug Ford goes after Nick Kouvalis
Is “relief” the gravy metaphor for the 2014 race? Near the top of John Tory’s slickly designed website, it says the candidate “vows to build relief line....
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Why aren’t we bundling transit into the Gardiner removal decision?
With the sort of discretion normally reserved for wait staff and funeral directors, Waterfront Toronto’s (WT) board very quietly released its...
By John Lorinc -
EVENT: Justice in Housing in Toronto
The Justice in Toronto Lecture Series will hold its second event of 2014 on Thursday, February 27. This evening lecture will explore Justice in Housing in...
By Dale Duncan -
LORINC: What kind of transit plan will Tory present?
If you’ll pardon the cliché, that great sucking sound we’re all hearing these days is coming from John Tory’s almost-a-campaign team, the members of which...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Ford’s flag flap flops
Monday morning pop quiz: As of first thing last Friday morning, how many Torontonians — or Canadians, for that matter — knew that city councils across the...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: deBaeremaeker fans urban-suburban divide
After his over-the-top outburst at the end of council’s budgapalooza, I realized I had reached my lifetime dose of Councillor Glenn de Baeremaeker’s...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Ford’s land transfer tax fantasy
Mayor Rob Ford showed up to his budget show-down presser yesterday wearing a Denver Bronco’s jersey, and I suppose the logic isn’t hard to fathom. The...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Metrolinx and Accenture deny Presto-DC allegations
Metrolinx officials last week strongly denied that Accenture had leveraged its $700 million-plus Presto contract to win a $184 million/six-year deal for a...
By John Lorinc -
The difference between a fee and a tax for city governments
Before the holidays I got into a discussion with Ed Keenan about whether there is a difference between a fee and a tax. In an article, Keenan said...
By Dylan Reid -
LORINC: Toronto’s business community vs. Rob Ford?
For much of the past two years, University of Toronto urban geographer Richard Florida has repeatedly asked a probing question about the political...
By John Lorinc -
Book Review: Thinking about Yonge-Dundas Square
2013 is not only the 10th anniversary of Spacing, but also the 10th anniversary of Yonge-Dundas Square. The two anniversaries are related — in the first...
By Dylan Reid -
The 10 best Rob Ford-related parodies
At the root of it, the Rob Ford scandal is no joke. Illicit drugs, police investigations, and extortion are all serious matters. But the whirlwind of...
By Josh Sherman