Rate your councillor
A web site called RateYourCouncillor.com recently started up and it wants you to, you guessed it, rate your councillor. While unclear who or what is...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
Ballot questions
The mayoral aspirations of Minister George Smitherman and, to a lesser extent, Michael Pinball Clemons, have been the subject of dozens of column inches...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
Rainbow Flag Raising and Pride Week Proclamation
This afternoon I attended the Rainbow Flag Raising and Pride Week Proclamation in front of City Hall at Nathan Phillips Square. The event is the official...
By Matthew Hague -
POLL: Your thoughts on tearing down the Gardiner
Urban Affairs critic Christopher Hume, in today’s Toronto Star, expressed his disappointment that local decision-makers lack the gumption to do the...
By Spacing -
When Arts + Statistics = Gong Show
It’s June 16. After more than ten days of intense media coverage from all the major print, web, and broadcast media, Luminato has wrapped at last...
By Leah Sandals -
Recent writing: Goats and Glen Murray
ED: Other than a general sense of making Toronto and area interesting, the following articles have nothing in common other than the byline. In...
By Shawn Micallef -
A look at Toronto’s new street furniture models
On Monday and Tuesday, the City of Toronto displayed examples of Astral’s new street furniture elements in front of City Hall. For years, I’ve...
By Matthew Blackett -
Conservatives flout sign laws
Update (June 12): The City of Toronto has told Spacing that it does not intend to enforce the signs by-law as it pertains to video screens at gas stations...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
311 threatens lazy pols
This week the Toronto Star spent a few column inches discussing the lethargic pace of the City of Toronto’s attempt to bring a 311 telephone service...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
Cutting short the Annette Street bike lane
“Perhaps for the first time in North America since the invention of the automobile, road space for motor vehicles is being reallocated to bicycles,â€Â...
By Dale Duncan -
BREAKING NEWS: Front Street Extension officially cancelled
The Front Street Extension and the Gardiner Expressway are having their legs cut out from beneath them. Spacing has learned that the City of Toronto and...
By Matthew Blackett -
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this (food) wall!
Street food is in the news again, and it’s annoying. It’s annoying because it has been so bungled up and delayed that it has invited ridicule...
By Shawn Micallef