LORINC: Tall or small is a false choice between main streets and intensification
At its meeting Monday, the Toronto Preservation Board (TPB) voted to adopt a set of staff recommendations that seemed, to some observers as well as...
By John Lorinc -
Fixing Avenue Road
The car wins on Avenue Road. It always does. The pattern of valuing the convenience of drivers over everything else has been fixed since 1959, when the...
By Murray Campbell -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 049, City scenes that saved summer
It’s been a rough summer for everyone, but people have found ways to get outside and make the most of it. In this episode, we speak to 8 80...
By Glyn Bowerman -
COVID RECOVERY: Timid bus priority plan in Toronto needs to be bigger & bolder
This week, the Executive Committee of Toronto City Council is considering a motion to prioritize public transit on select roadways through the...
By Tricia Wood -
REID: The beginning of the end for rush hour curb lanes?
One of the distinctive and ubiquitous characteristics of main streets in the older parts of Toronto is the rush hour curb lane. For two or four hours a...
By Dylan Reid -
A how-to guide to redesign city streets during and after COVID
In cities the world over, streets are being repurposed for people walking, cycling, and simply spending time outside. First Milan, Bogota, then Oakland...
By Nicholas Sanderson -
IN LIEU OF A LOO: Going out and ‘going’ during a pandemic
The weather is warming. The sun is shining. COVID-19 cases are on the downturn. And stores and cafes are blinking back to life after the Ford government...
By Lezlie Lowe -
Cities and their streetcars: my top ten favourite spots
One of the best ways to get to know a city is through its public transit network. I’ve spent many years exploring cities through their streetcar, trolley...
By Brian Doucet -
The unexpected potential of pandemic parking lots
From my living room window, I can see a church parking lot. Services are now streamed so it no longer fills up on Sunday mornings but, in this time of...
By Emily Macrae -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 045, What matters in a pandemic
In a time of snitch lines, and shuttered park space, we dive into what we’re prioritizing in this pandemic, and what, and especially who, is...
By Spacing Radio -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 043, We are the public realm
In this episode, we talk about public space issues of the past, present, and future. Spacing Publisher Matthew Blackett tells us how the magazine itself...
By Spacing Radio -
Transportation tech bros need to listen to the Vision Zero folks
When we talk about Smart Cities, which seems to be all the time now, we hear about tensions between public governance and corporate interests. It is...
By Tricia Wood