Paying for transit in the GTHA: further questions
This series of posts about ways to pay for new transit infrastructure in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area is only a start to what is a big...
By Dylan Reid -
Paying for transit in the GTHA: minor options
The CivicAction report (PDF) on reliable transit funding lists a variety of options that would raise smaller amounts of money for building new transit...
By Dylan Reid -
Funding transit in the GTHA, addendum: transit fare surcharge
One option that was not discussed in the CivicAction report on transit funding for the GTHA, but which I suspect will end up being part of the discussion...
By Dylan Reid -
Paying for transit in the GTHA 4: Regional sales tax
The last of the “big four” revenue tools for transit funding identified in the CivicAction report is a regional sales tax. In the increasing...
By Dylan Reid -
Paying for transit in the GTHA 3: Gas tax
Continuing my series from last week on potential revenue tools to pay for transit in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area, today we come to a regional...
By Dylan Reid -
Paying for transit in the GTHA 2: Highway tolls
Road tolls are one of the oldest and most common forms of paying for transportation infrastructure — they go back millenia, and although they are...
By Dylan Reid -
Paying for transit in the GTHA,1: Commercial Parking Levy
In this series on the different options for raising the $2 billion/year needed to pay for new transit in the GTHA, I am starting with the idea of a...
By Dylan Reid -
Paying for transit in the GTHA: The big four
The Toronto region is very congested, and if it is going to continue to grow, it needs more and better public transit. At this point in time, most people...
By Dylan Reid -
Humanizing traffic counts at Toronto intersections
Humanizing and humanely utilizing the endless stream of data coming out of cities may be a 21st century urban planner’s greatest challenge. Eyes on...
By Jake Schabas -
Complete streets coming to a Canadian city near you
The Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation (TCAT) has launched a nationwide campaign that promotes cities to adopt “complete streets”...
By Matthew Blackett -
Looking under the hood of transportation policy
Our ideas about travel behaviour provide the foundation of transportation policy. Is rail transit really more attractive to potential users than buses...
By Dylan Reid -
The last day of Tanner Zurkoski’s month in a car
Tanner Zurkoski is sitting in the car that’s become his home for a month, and will cease to be such after today. It’s a hybrid that barely allows him to...
By Amber Daugherty