Province Complicates York University Extension With Money
Crossposted to Transit Toronto. Despite the highlights of Ontario’s recently announced budget, and despite earlier indications that the York...
By James Bow -
Good articles from the Star & NOW
Some recent articles in the Star are worth posting about: 1. The City wants to crack down on vehicles idling. 2. Royson James writes about the need for...
By Matthew Blackett -
Battle of St. Clair Won. SOS Abandons Court Battle for Politics
As the window to appeal the superior court decision reinstating the St. Clair private right-of-way project closes, the opposition group Save Our St. Clair...
By James Bow -
Ducharme to Province: Fix My System First, Then Talk Subways
It’s not that Rick Ducharme doesn’t appreciate the money that may have been promised to extend the Spadina subway to York University...
By James Bow -
Roman Impressions
I have just arrived in Rome, and even after just a day and a half of walking around I’ve already formed some strong impressions of Roman public...
By Dylan Reid -
Taxing Parking
While the TTC is begging the provice for money – Vancouver’s transit authority Translink is getting beat up about their parking tax. If only...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Commentary: It’s Time to Break Up the Queen Streetcar
The Queen streetcar remains one of the TTC’s most prominent and well-travelled routes, but it is a shadow of its former self. Twenty-five years ago...
By James Bow -
Urban Imbalance – Exquisite Corpse
The city is bankrupt. We need more transit and other services. Miller talks to McGuinty – the province is broke. McGuinty talks to Flaherty –...
By Chris Hardwicke -
6x parking density
Six bicycles to one car: the bike park occupies a single carpark space, a critical proposal of the space of parking. By Adrien Rovero & Inout Projects.
By Chris Hardwicke -
The news from NOW and Eye
If you haven’t picked up a copy of this week’s NOW you should try to find the few remaining copies that float around coffee shops or burger...
By Matthew Blackett -
Seven deadly sins of driving
Ian Law of the Car Control School is an enlightened motorist. Check out his opinion piece in the Toronto Star about the seven deadly sins of driving: As...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Livable Streets: A New Vision For New York City
Check out the ongoing exhibition in New York put on by three great public groups: The Open Planning Project, Transportation Alternatives and Project for...
By Chris Hardwicke