Urban Design
Follow-up: French riots and public space
The BBC did a radio program this week following up on the riots in the suburbs of Paris three months ago. At the time, there was some commentary that part...
By Dylan Reid -
Pedestrian concerns all but ignored
Spacing‘s Associate Editor Dyland Reid wrote in NOW this week about the City’s new street standards, and he was quite critical — the...
By Matthew Blackett -
Mississauga, Riverdale hospital, delivery trucks downtown, & waterfront money questions
Yesterday, Christopher Hume of the Toronto Star wrote about the international competition for a 52-storey condo tower that will be built on the northeast...
By Matthew Blackett -
John Sewell on the challenges facing young planners
“Planning, not development approval — the challenge for young planners†WHEN: Tuesday, January 31, 7:00pm $5.00/free with student ID WHERE: U of...
By Matthew Blackett -
The urban environment can make you skinny — or fat
A new research project is being developed in the United States to quantify the degree to which the urban environment — mixed use, density, public...
By Dylan Reid -
A TTC crush? And public meeting at Wychwood Barns
There have been two stories in the last two days on the TTC that have focused on the need for more funding as ridership continues to grow. Is the solution...
By Matthew Blackett -
Tall buildings forum tonight
TALL BUILDINGS ~ Who is Planning Our City? TONIGHT! 7:30-9:30pm, free St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, 27 Front Street East (2 blocks east of Union...
By Spacing -
Toronto and tall buildings
TALL BUILDINGS ~ Who is Planning Our City? Wednesday January 25, 7:30-9:30pm, free St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts 27 Front Street East (2 blocks east of...
By Matthew Blackett -
Birmingham pedestrians and Public Space
The city of Birmingham, formerly a car-centric industrial city, has tranformed its central core into a pedestrian-friendly neighbourhood of pleasing...
By Dylan Reid -
When condos attack and defending suburbia
Eye Weekly is running a series of articles on development in Toronto. In the first piece, “Beyond NIMBY,” Spacing‘s managing editor Dale...
By Matthew Blackett -
Royal Mess
Today, the Toronto Star’s “Fixer” column features a corner of Royal York road where people waiting at a TTC bus stop have been...
By Dylan Reid -
Toronto’s New Year resolutions
This might be a good time to lay out our wish list for 2006. • Do not approve the EUCAN monster bins: Within the coming months, the City’s...
By Matthew Blackett