Hamilton interactive map for pedestrian problems
In the most recent issue of Spacing, I wrote about how small problems with the walking environment can make a big difference in discouraging people from...
By Dylan Reid -
Tasty treats on the streets
Credit where credit is due. One of the issues where I’ve been in sympathy with Toronto Council’s right wing is the question of opening up...
By Dylan Reid -
It’s “Year of the Entrepreneur” — we could start with street food
The federal government earlier this week designated 2011 as the “Year of the Entrepreneur”. A worthy cause, certainly, but as news stories...
By Dylan Reid -
Street Stories: Brunswick Avenue
The intersection of Bloor and Brunswick is a popular nighttime destination for many Torontonians, offering enough pints and pitchers to make it hard to...
By Eric Mutrie -
Building a better intersection for pedestrians
I recently came across an interesting proposal to improve the safety of pedestrians at busy intersections. Korean designer Jae Min Lim studied the routes...
By Matthew Blackett -
Sharing responsibility for pedestrian safety
Yesterday, a Canadian Press story made the media rounds noting a small spike in pedestrians hit by vehicles in Toronto, including one death on Wednesday...
By Dylan Reid -
The new council on walking and cycling
Before the municipal election, the Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation conducted a survey of candidate’s positions on walking and cycling...
By Dylan Reid -
Street Stories: Baldwin Street
Walking onto Baldwin Street at lunch hour is like walking into a Business Improvement Area’s best-case scenario: the trees are lush, the storefronts...
By Eric Mutrie -
Willcocks goes pedestrian
Last week, I went to have a look at how the new pedestrian space pilot project in the University of Toronto is coming along. A block of Willcocks Street...
By Dylan Reid -
ELECTION: Council Turnover – Ward 27
It’s not often that candidates for City Council are given the opportunity to run without an incumbent in the ward. This year there are nine wards with...
By Nicole McIsaac -
Dept. of Cute Signs: “Walk your Bike” sidewalk stencil
I was in Stratford, Ontario last weekend and noticed this stencil on the sidewalks at intersections, indicating that people should walk their bikes when...
By Dylan Reid -
Raising the road to meet the sidewalk
There’s an interesting little piece of infrastructure innovation on the west side of University Ave. at Orde St., just south of College in the...
By Dylan Reid