Get out of the city in the city
Spacing managing editor Dale Duncan wrote the cover story for Eye Weekly this week, “Urban Escape: how to get away from the concrete grind without...
By Matthew Blackett -
Slow Street Movement
The Toronto Star has two articles about pedestrians today. Slow streets, safer driving? looks at Eric Dumbaugh’s study: “Safe Streets, Livable...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Center for the Study of Pedestrian Culture
“The Center for the Study of Pedestrian Culture is a portal for place-based research and creative projects, focused primarily on the humble and...
By Dylan Reid -
Garbage on our streets
Christopher Hume trashes Eucan’s Monster Garbage cans in today’s Toronto Star: The path to civic greatness is littered with wannabe cities...
By Chris Hardwicke -
A Summer’s walk along Concord & Delaware
The Toronto Architectural Conservancy presents A Summer’s Walk down verdant Concord & Delaware Avenues on Sunday July 24th at 2PM. Why these...
By Matthew Blackett -
Get Lost
The Village Voice reviews A Field Guide to Getting Lost by Rebecca Solnit. We live in an increasingly standardized environment, bouncing from one branch...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Live Action Scotland Yard (L.A.S.Y.)
Joel Friesen runs a transit tag game on the TTC. Live Action Scotland Yard (L.A.S.Y.) is a giant game of hide and seek. One guy tries to hide by using the...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Bikes and feet
Christopher Hume had an outpouring of response to his recent column on the state of walking in Toronto. He mainly focused his derision on drivers, but...
By Matthew Blackett -
These street are not made for walking
Christopher Hume wrote an excellent column yesterday in the Toronto Star about the state of walking in this city. Check it out here.
By Matthew Blackett -
European talking about walking fest
The Swiss are hosting the 6th International Conference on Walking in the 21st Century, on the theme of “Everyday Walking Culture.” “The...
By Dylan Reid -
Designing Toronto’s Streets
The city of Toronto is currently engaged in setting design standards for new local residential streets in Toronto (not main streets). They are conducting...
By Dylan Reid