By Erick Villagomez
Vancouver Design Nerds/Livable Laneways – Laneway Markets
A combined group of Livable Laneway enthusiasts and the Vancouver Design Nerds has been selected by the City’s VIVA Vancouver program, which is intended...
July 8, 2011 Headlines
LOCAL • Mayors vote to hike gas tax to fund Evergreen Line [Vancouver Sun] • Mayors favour gas tax, but differ on road tolls and vehicle levies [Vancouver...
Free Outdoor Movies Vancouver 2011!
Our apologies for being a tiny bit late on this one everybody…the Spacing Vancouver launch has been monopolizing our time here. Nonetheless, every...
July 7, 2011 Headlines
LOCAL • Architect douses Little Mountain tower rumour [Vancouver Courier] • Mayors propose gas tax to fund transit line [Globe and Mail] • Crosscheck...
July 6, 2011 Headlines
LOCAL • Vancouver mayor, feds announce completion of Stanley Park improvements [Vancouver Sun] • Downtown Eastside shelter will remain open for year...
July 5, 2011 Headlines
LOCAL • Quebec City, Montreal ‘most livable’; Vancouver highest cost of living: survey [Vancouver Sun] • Liveable v lovable [Financial Times...
June 4, 2011 Headlines
LOCAL • Oxford to build Vancouver tower [Globe and Mail] • B.C. finds success with controversial carbon tax [Globe and Mail] INTERNATIONAL • Bike-sharing...
July 3, 2011 Headlines
CANADA The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Greening Cities [The Atlantic] INTERNATIONAL Car Clash: Europe vs. the U.S. [The New York Times] This is your...
Spacing Saturday: Walk the Region, Moving Day and the World’s Biggest Bike Share
Spacing Saturday highlights posts from across Spacing’s blog network in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and the Atlantic region. Spacing Saturday celebrates...
July 2, 2011 Headlines
LOCAL Pride, bikes and riots: When the mayors of Toronto and Vancouver talk [Globe and Mail] In your backyard: Take a stroll through the idyllic streets...
July 1, 2011 Headlines
LOCAL Vancouver city councillors weigh in on riot [Vancouver Courier] INTERNATIONAL Open Source Urbanism [Domus] Increasing Public Transport Use with...
Baron Gallery: Walking tour of Gastown with John Atkin
As part of the Intersections- Historical, Architectural Paintings of Vancouver Exhibition featuring paintings by Tom Carter at the Baron Gallery, you are...