Review: Architecture & Design Film Festival 2020
Already a week into this year’s program, the virtual online version of the 12-year-old Architecture & Design Film Festival includes a...
By Sean Ruthen -
Book Review – Human Scale Revisited: A New Look at the Classic Case for a Decentralist Future
Author: Kirkpatrick Sale (Chelsea Green, 2017) Reading Human Scale Revisited by Kirkpatrick Sale from Athens, Greece during a global health pandemic was...
By Marnie McGregor -
Six-Foot City: Introduction
Although the recent pandemic has brought to light many important issues, none has been more pervasive than social distancing. Embedded in this discussion...
By Erick Villagomez -
hindsight: Strathcona
Click here for a larger image. What happens when a crisis, much like the one we are acutely dealing with right now, undermines the normal operation of our...
By hindsightmag -
City Living During a Global Health Pandemic
Reading the headlines these days is a sure way to become panicked, scared and pessimistic. It feels like the world is ending, and maybe it is. What we can...
By Marnie McGregor -
Release: Call for Applications, GNW Trust
GNW Trust is offering up to $5,000 for winning proposals that will activate the Centre for Digital Media District. Applicants are responsible for...
By Spacing -
EVENT: Semiahmoo Arts Society’s Soup Bowl Fundraiser, Oct 5th
Date: October 5th at 5pm Location: Turnbull Gallery at the South Surrey Rec. & Arts Centre, 14601 – 20th Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 9P5 Canada...
By Spacing -
Event: CoV Free Public Art Walking Tours, September 27, 28 & 29
Join us and celebrate the 10th annual Culture Days! The City of Vancouver Public Art program is offering 10 walking tours in 4 areas of the city...
By Spacing -
It’s complicated — our relationship with Instagram and nature
On a hike to Upper Joffre Lake near Pemberton this summer, I saw a dozen people frozen in the same pose. In one hand, they held out crumbs. In the other...
By Christopher Cheung -
Event – 2019 East Vancouver Garden Tour, Sunday, June 16th!
East Vancouver Garden Tour Sun, 16 June 2019 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM PDT This year’s East Vancouver Garden Tour will be on Father’s Day, Sunday...
By Spacing -
Release: Jane’s Walk Vancouver Events!
Only one week away! We are super excited about all the new and returning walks we have this year – check our the full list below! 35 WALKS are...
By Spacing -
Release: Bike to Work Week 2019 Launches with a New Bike to Shop Component
In less than a month, Bike to Work Week presented by Jump kicks off, motivating thousands of people to try cycling to work for the very first time! This...
By Spacing