EVENT: Vancouver Vanishes Book Launch and Discussion, Nov. 23rd
Anvil Press is please to invite you to the Vancouver Vanishes book launch and discussion of Vancouver’s vanishing heritage hosted by Caroline...
By Spacing -
Solving The Housing Crisis at SFU: Part 2
Yesterday, we highlight the speakers and issues discussed at the SFU’s Housing in the City Beyond The Headlines storytelling event last Monday. The...
By Ulduz Maschaykh -
Solving The Housing Crisis at SFU: Part 1
In 2007, Miloon Kothari, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right for Adequate Housing, called Canada’s housing situation for its most...
By Ulduz Maschaykh -
Book Review – Fantastic Cities: A Coloring Book of Amazing Places Real and Imagined
Author: Steve McDonald (Chronicle Books, 2015) Fantastic Cities is a colouring book. Not a colouring book intended for children, but for adults. Created...
By Andrew Cuthbert -
SFU Launches We the City Community Summit Oct. 30th to Nov. 7th
Simon Frasier University’s We The City Summit kicked off its fourth major community summit Researching The City on October 30th 2015, where 19...
By Ulduz Maschaykh -
New Welcome Centre: A Potential Poster-Child for Housing Refugees
According to the Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia (ISSBC), between 2009 and 2013, a total 8,319 refugees arrived in British Columbia. This...
By Ulduz Maschaykh -
EVENT: City Conversations—Federal Election Forum on Urban Issues, Oct 1
With over 80% of the Canadian population now living in urban areas, it is time for a national conversation on key issues that affect our cities. For this...
By Spacing -
Inclusive Cities: A Tale of Two Revitalization Projects
For cities to be healthy and happy, researchers have increasingly emphasized the importance of implementing inclusive cities – urban environments...
By Ulduz Maschaykh -
Kids in the City: Raising a family in a 500sq ft laneway home
Akua Schatz, a director at the Canadian Green Building Council, and her photographer husband, Brendon Purdy, currently live in a home that is smaller than...
By Jillian Glover -
RELEASE: New Westminster Affordable Housing Projects on Small Sites: Request for Proposals
The City of New Westminster is requesting proposals (RFP) for innovative affordable ownership or rental housing projects for two city-owned sites. The...
By Spacing -
Kids in the City series
I was excited to launch a new series in June called “Kids in the City”, where I profiled families living in urban density over the next few months. My...
By Jillian Glover -
Cartographically Speaking: Where are the kids? – Epilogue
For a larger version, click here. [Editor’s Note: This is the final piece of a five-part series looking at the spatial distribution of children...
By Erick Villagomez