Sustainable Architecture Meets Science: The BC Cancer Research Centre
It is well known that environmentalism and sustainability are critical elements of local environmental groups and organizations, such as the world’s...
By Ulduz Maschaykh -
EVENT: MOV/Urbanarium – Vancouver Debates I, Jan. 20
Vancouver Debates I – Open All Neighbourhoods to Densification WHEN: Wednesday, January 20 WHERE: Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut Street...
By Spacing -
EVENT – MOV: Your Future Home: Creating the New Vancouver, Jan 21-Mar. 15
Your Future Home: Creating the New Vancouver WHEN: Jan. 21-May 15, 2016 WHERE: Museum of Vancouver – 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver, BC From the...
By Spacing -
Book Review – So It Is: Vancouver
There are different ways to learn about your city. Its past. Its present. And its future. So it is: Vancouver is a collection of inspiring stories of...
By Ulduz Maschaykh -
Getting a Ride with Uber: What Would it Mean for Vancouver?
It has been exactly three years since Uber was last seen in Vancouver. From May to November 2012, Uber tested their luxury sedan service, UberBLACK...
By Victor Ngo -
EVENT: Vancouver Vanishes Book Launch and Discussion, Nov. 23rd
Anvil Press is please to invite you to the Vancouver Vanishes book launch and discussion of Vancouver’s vanishing heritage hosted by Caroline...
By Spacing -
Adaptive Re-Use: The Joy of Re-purposed Buildings
VHF would like to thank this post’s guest writer, Marta Farevaag – Urban Planner. In Vancouver, our residential neighbourhoods are strikingly...
By Vancouver Heritage Foundation -
Vancouver Art Gallery Reflections
I’m not sure when the informed, intelligent culture of design that characterized the formative years of Vancouver transformed, but Herzog And De Meuron’s...
By Erick Villagomez -
RELEASE: Thousands Re-Imagine Downtown Vancouver in 2040
11,000 Dreamers ‘Re-Imagined’ Downtown Vancouver as a Rain-proofed, Affordable Home for all in 2040 In 2040, downtown Vancouver will be: a healthy...
By Yuri Artibise -
Solving The Housing Crisis at SFU: Part 1
In 2007, Miloon Kothari, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right for Adequate Housing, called Canada’s housing situation for its most...
By Ulduz Maschaykh -
SFU Launches We the City Community Summit Oct. 30th to Nov. 7th
Simon Frasier University’s We The City Summit kicked off its fourth major community summit Researching The City on October 30th 2015, where 19...
By Ulduz Maschaykh -
Halloween For Planning Nerds: CANDY DENSITY
Halloween is an Urbanist Holiday (shhh don’t tell anybody) Halloween as a Holiday – more than any other – is about neighbourhood. It is a holiday that...
By Brendan Hurley