What Does Our $78-Billion Housing Program Really Fix?
How can Canada possibly spend five years and tens of billions to fix the housing crisis, but still have no idea if it’s working? That’s the question...
By Patrick Condon -
Digging Into Where The Sun Needs Shine – BROADWAY PLAN – Part 2
Expand upon our embedded assets This lyric essay digs inside the psyche of planning processes. It uses the oblique projection of poetry to throw light on...
By grahammcgarva -
The Blue Cabin: A Dream of Home in Uncertain Times
Amidst widespread housing instability, many feel that we may never again be able to dream of a home to call our own. There’s a deep, unsatiated sense of...
By Iris Leung -
EVENT: Gentle Density Local Leaders’ Summit, Nov 22-23
Registration closes November 15th Cost: FREE. Register at Eventbrite! It’s time to explore a more coordinated approach to gentle-density housing in BC...
By Spacing -
Towards a More Compassionate, Productive Civic Governance for Vancouver
I am struggling to distinguish between most of the parties vying for our vote on election day this Saturday. Those that have been around awhile (The NPA...
By scothein -
Event – Public Salon #36: Think Tank Series, Oct. 26th
Public Salon, Think Tank Series DATE: Wednesday, October 26th TIME: 7:30 – 9:00 pm LOCATION: Vancouver Playhouse, 600 Hamilton Street TICKETS: Vary in...
By Spacing -
Broadway & Vancouver Plans: A Rejection of Core Vancouver Planning Principles?
Author: Ralph Segal With the City’s current Zoning Map as an initial regulatory reference, Vancouver’s contemporary approach to planning, urban design...
By Spacing -
The Tower Default – Pt 2
In 1972, Leslie Martin and Lionel March published Urban Space and Structure—an influential book featuring a series of essays written in the late 60s...
By Erick Villagomez -
Broadway Plan Reflections
This piece started with a simple aspiration: to collect a diversity of meaningful 100-200 word reflections on Broadway Plan processes and outcomes...
By Erick Villagomez -
Breaking Down the Big New Batch of Housing Data
How widespread are evictions? How bad are waitlists? And who’s struggling with housing the most? Statistics Canada’s latest survey goes into detail about...
By Christopher Cheung -
VIDEO: Why does the Vancouver Plan matter to you?
On July 22, 2022, Vancouver City Council approved the Vancouver Plan, a citywide land use strategy to create a more livable, affordable and sustainable...
By Yuri Artibise -
Book Review – Meet Me By The Fountain: An Inside History of The Mall
What was your mall? Mine was Oakridge Centre in Vancouver. It wasn’t particularly glamorous with its exterior of boring brown brick, but it was the town...
By Christopher Cheung