TODERIAN: Canada needs a federal ministry of cities
Richard Florida called last week for President Obama to create a national US department of cities. When the author of The Rise of the Creative Class and...
By Brent Toderian -
City of Vancouver Block 51 survey is now live
The Block 51 survey is now live…pass the word along! We used the illustrations created by the Co-Design artists and participants to the October 15...
By Erick Villagomez -
Release: Mayor urges City Council to support recommendations from Housing Affordability Task Force
The Mayor’s Task Force on Affordable Housing released its final report, and Mayor Gregor Robertson is urging City Council to give unanimous support to...
By Spacing -
Release: Vision Vancouver proposes Engaged City Task Force
Spotted on Frances Bula’s State of Vancouver blog this morning: Vancouver city hall to strike a new task force to improve connections...
By Yuri Artibise -
Release: City of Vancouver appoints senior planning and development leader
The City of Vancouver has appointed Brian J. Jackson as the new General Manager, Planning and Development role following an international search. This...
By Spacing -
LAST DAY To “Talk Transportation” to Vancouver
“Talk Transportation to Us” Vancouver’s public engagement wing for Transportation Issues is closing comments for the Draft Directions...
By Brendan Hurley -
CoV – Transportation 2040: Talk Transportation With Us
Transportation 2040: Talk Transportation With Us The City of Vancouver is developing Transportation 2040, a long-term transportation plan that supports an...
By Spacing -
Release: City invites public input on Vancouver’s future transportation plan
The City of Vancouver is asking the public for their comments on proposed transportation policies and actions as the Transportation 2040 public...
By Erick Villagomez -
Jane’s Walk Special: Get with the plan (Marpole version)!
[Editor’s Note: We are happy to present the first of a three InDepth Features covering a trio of special Jane’s Walk neighbourhood tours...
By Ren Thomas -
Collaborative CityStudio breaks new ground
“When have you had your most engaged life experience?” asked Janet Moore and Duane Elverum. A rapt audience sat in silence for ten seconds. “No one ever...
By Ren Thomas -
Release: Next CoV Community Plans – Terms of Reference
The Next CoV Community Plans – Terms of Reference Administrative Report dated March 7, 2012, will be considered by Vancouver City Council’s Standing...
By Erick Villagomez -
Vancouver Dialogues Project
The Vancouver Dialogues Project is an initiative taken by the City of Vancouver to create a conversation of understanding between Vancouver’s many...
By Andrew Cuthbert