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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Montreal Monday: Life without roads, embracing ‘grit’, and the descent of Mary and Jesus

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Each Monday, we bring you some of the popular posts from our sister blog, Spacing Montreal. We’ll keep an eye open for topics and discussions that are pertinent to current public space issues in Toronto.

Alanah Heffez muses on “the ups and downs” of living in a community without roads. Heffez’s description of what life was like living in two Cree communities in Northern Quebec should cause urbanites to reflect on how much our own “lives are shaped by transportation infrastructure”.

Do taxi’s constitute a public space? This is the question Montrealers are considering after a Montreal taxi driver was fined $1400 for displaying personal items on his dashboard.

Mary and Jesus descended over Montreal’s Dawson college Thursday as 17-foot, century-old statue was removed for repairs.

à‰mile Thomas looks to Amsterdam for ideas on how Montreal can capitalize on its ‘gritty’ side. Montreal is currently considering a plan to ‘revitalize’ the Main, an area notorious for booze, sex, and drugs. Thomas makes an interesting argument for why it might be better to embrace Montreal’s ‘scandalous side’ than to disguise it.

photo by alanah.montreal, on Flickr
