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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Who’s Driving the City?

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While London is installing solar powered lighting in its busstops and New York is putting thousands of new bus shelters, newsstands and, public washrooms on its streets, Toronto is more worried about the width of the seats on its busses (due to national obesity rates rising).

Meanwhile on Car Free day, Toronto City Councillors showed their leadership by driving to work:

“Tell them I drove. I never supported the thing in the first place,” said Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby, through her mouthpiece and assistant Jim Burnett. Notwithstanding his name, Councillor Michael Walker didn’t walk to work from the Yonge and Eglinton area.

“I have a Lincoln and I’m proud of it. It’s named after the great emancipator, Abraham Lincoln. I love my country, I love my wife, I love my family and I love my Lincoln.”
