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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. attended the meeting and read your flyer and comments. My opinion is that they were embellished. Councillor did a good job at clarifying facts and purpose of the CFMP. It,s about the hundreds of sportsfields, playgrounds and other community centers, not just about Findlay. It is a strategic plan and deserves a large cross section of input from all users and stakeholders.

  2. Nicely written, Sam. I wasn’t able to attend due to work but my wife Helen went. It sounds to me like you hit the nail on the head – at the worst case, residents were being understandably cautious, but no one’s time was wasted – except Ms. McKluskey felt hers was. Maybe Ms. McKluskey is no longer up to the job of being a councillor – all of this public consultation wastes too much of her time.