Civic Engagement
OP-ED: Why Toronto must act on Ombudsman’s recommendations on refugee shelter and housing
On July 2023, refugees from Africa, newly arrived in Canada seeking asylum and protection, camped and slept on the sidewalk in front of the City of...
By Alexandra Flynn and Elizabeth McIsaac -
The Future Fix: l’innovation au service des citoyens
Spacing et Evergreen présentent ensemble une nouvelle série de podcast, Face au futur : des solutions pour les communautés du Canada, d’une côte ...
By Spacing Radio -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 083, The War on Bikes
With Premier Doug Ford’s repeated promises to rip up bike lanes in Toronto, and possibly even other Ontario cities and towns, we’ve decided to...
By Spacing Radio -
Establishing affordable creative spaces
This article is published in conjunction with issue #68 of Spacing magazine, which is focused on the state of the arts in Toronto. Look for it soon on the...
By Erika Hennebury and Hannah Fleisher -
The Overhead: Preserving Community
THIS EPISODE: Preserving Community We’re pleased to bring you another season of The Overhead, and we begin by checking back on a topic we’ve...
By Spacing Radio -
The Importance of Being Ernest
The Importance of Being ErnestErnie Wheadon 1937-2024 I grew up two doors from the Wheadon family, in an upscale professional neighbourhood, in an...
By Derek DeLand -
Ontario Place’s West Island trees on death watch
Every week this summer Francesca Bouaoun has launched her kayak at Ontario Place to check on the trees. They’re a stand of 850 trees planted 54 years ago...
By Ian Darragh -
OP-ED: The lessons of the Dundas St. building collapse
Like a lot of Kensington residents, when I walk by the metal hoarding around the collapsed buildings at 606-614 Dundas West, I feel a mixture of grief and...
By Dominique Russell -
OP-ED: Free our Front Yards
An Etobicoke native plant gardener is ordered to cut his “turfgrass and weeds” (he actually has neither) to 20 cm (8 inches). An Annex ecologist is...
By Lorraine Johnson -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 080, Toronto’s Drone Scandal
We heard a lot about drones at the Paris Olympics, but what about in our own backyard? In this episode, Spacing‘s John Lorinc tells us about a piece...
By Spacing Radio -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 079, Is Toronto strangled by rules?
Toronto is often accused of being over-regulated. It’s a fair criticism. For example, photographer and urbanist commentator Dan Seljak tells us how...
By Spacing Radio -
City of Glassholes
City of GlassholesWorld Classholes dog eat downward dogcity of narrow shoulderscity of broad stereotypescity that ever sleepslong legs running off at the...
By Derek DeLand