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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Illegal posters challenge Paris

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The Star runs an AP story this morning about an innovative and illegal street art project that is pumping up some controversy in France. It has to do with a graffiti artist and photographer named JR. Nearing the eve of the anniversary of Paris-area riots that engulfed French suburbs in flames last year, JR has created massive posters that play off a pervading Parisians’ exaggerated sense of fear when encountered by young immigrant youth. JR went to rundown areas and got residents to mug scary faces into a distortion-inducing wide-angle lens. (This lens is likely the source of the project’s name, 28 millimetres.) He then printed these out several metres wide and postered them around town. You can watch a terrific video about the project here or click on the You Tube video below. There is also a book.

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One comment

  1. cute. but i just read that a woman was severely burned in Marseilles when some kids firebombed a bus. going to take a lot more than some funny photos…