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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

[murmur] at Fort York

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[murmur] at Fort York launched earlier this summer. You can use the map above (by Spacing illustrator Marlena Zuber) to find the sign locations, or click here to listen via computer (though you’ll miss out on the best part of the experience: being there).

More stories are being added to these and additional locations soon — but we are very interested in recording more stories outside of the Fort walls in the surrounding and growing neighbourhood. If you have some thoughts/opinions/memories about the area (they don’t have to be historic or specifically Fort related — could be as contemporary as yesterday) we would love to hear from you, and so would the rest of the city. Send a note here if interested or curious, or let us know who we should talk to (or discuss in the comments here — often one person’s memory triggers anothers). Doing a [murmur] recording is a very casual process — we want the stuff you might tell somebody while taking a walk together one evening. It’s these little bits that make up the collective idea of our city, and Toronto needs more of it.

[murmur] is a documentary oral history project that records stories and memories told about specific geographic locations that can be accessed using a mobile telephone in the location. [murmur] has been established in neighbourhoods around Toronto, and in Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, San Jose CA, Edinburgh and Dublin.
