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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Prefix Photo takes a stroll through your consciousness

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An event and issue dedicated, in part, to ideas surrounding “walking and consciousness” from the good people at Prefix Photo.

What: Release of the sixteenth issue of Prefix Photo magazine

Where: Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art, located at 401 Richmond Street West, Suite 124

When: November 22, 2007 from 7 to 10 PM

Addressing the theme of “walking and consciousness,” contributor Imre Szeman writes: “To champion walking today is to do what art has long sought to do: critique the imaginative and experiential vacuity of the existing state of things in the hope of bringing forth something different. Art and walking form a pair endowed with genuine critical power.”

The issue also features other contributors addressing a host of photo, media and installation artists, as follows:

Warren Crichlow offers his perspective on Documenta 12. He discusses the potential of contemporary art for generating critical reflection on the exhibition as a medium and touches upon the work of artists Graciela Carnevale, Lotty Rosenfeld, Martha Rosler and others.

Deborah Root writes about the paseos of Mexico-based artist Francis Alà¿s. She explores the concepts of itinerancy, public space and social allegory that wend their way through his work.

Lorraine Field, in her literary feature “Syrian Desert,” relays a magical account of her Middle Eastern experience.

Other contributors include Ai Weiwei, Francis Alà¿s, Lorraine Field, Andrea Geyer/Sharon Hayes/Ashley Hunt/Katya Sander/David Thorne, Luis Jacob, Sanja Ivekovic, Amar Kanwar, M. Simon Levin & Laurie Long, Virginia Mak, Ià±igo Manglano-Ovalle, Hugh Martin, Helen Verbanz, Andrew Wright and more.


One comment

  1. In the names of the photo contributors, have we finally encountered a genuine usage in the wild of a y with a dieresis, à¿?