By John Lorinc
LORINC: What about those mandate letters, Premier Ford?
Given the thin broth that was the Tories’ election platform, it’s hardly surprising that Premier Doug Ford’s first month in office has had the feeling of...
LORINC: Uploading subway system a disaster-in-waiting
It can’t be said too often, or too loudly: Premier Doug Ford’s pledge to upload the subway system will become the Brexit of Toronto politics: a promise...
LORINC: Mammoliti is perfect example of why Toronto needs term limits
On the day after Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives passed a law stomping all over local democracy in Toronto, it’s worth pointing out a few key facts...
LORINC: The Subway in the Room
Almost a year ago, the Toronto Star’s Jennifer Pagliaro published a story detailing, with her trademark meticulousness, how then chief planner and now...
LORINC: Waterfront Toronto gets tough with Sidewalk Labs
In a striking move that marks a clear change in the relationship between Waterfront Toronto (WT) and Sidewalk Labs, officials with the tri-level agency...
LORINC: Doug Ford’s Barbarians are at the gate
I must confess to a grudging admiration for the speed and shrewdness with which Premier Doug Ford succeeded in knocking two and perhaps even three of the...
LORINC: Doug Ford’s un-greening of Ontario
If you take a quick stroll through the Government of Ontario’s air quality tracker site – which I’d recommend doing before it mysteriously disappears in a...
LORINC: The post-Will era begins
Waterfront Toronto’s public positioning to accompany the gang-plank resignation yesterday of its now former CEO Will Fleissig could be summarized thusly...
LORINC: Breaking down Doug Ford’s impossible, ridiculous, scandalous subway to Pickering
Because we here in Spacing’s bustling newsroom like to provide informative and constructive analysis to politicians of all stripes, we felt it would be...
LORINC: How will Doug Ford govern?
How will Doug Ford govern? With a week left before he’s sworn in, the most crucial, and also the most elusive, question right now is what will be the form...
LORINC: Making sense of the most crazy-ass Ontario election ever
I have no idea if all bets are off. But you’ve got to think that the hallucinatory 48-hour period bracketed by Kathleen Wynne’s self-immolating concession...
LORINC: What Toronto should learn from Hamburg’s self-driving shuttle pilot
HAMBURG, GERMANY — At some point in 2019, the first of three curiously upright shuttle vehicles will begin tooling around a 3.6km loop of city streets in...