By John Lorinc
LORINC: Does the new TCHC fire safety plan go far enough?
In the days and weeks following the Grenfell high rise fire disaster in London, U.K. last June, thousands of Toronto apartment dwellers placed anxious...
LORINC: What we talk about when we talk about mixed use on the waterfront
A council committee today will consider the first significant report on the future of Toronto’s Port Lands to surface since the Prime Minister Justin...
LORINC: Rob Ford drove his reputation into the ground
On October 2, 2013 – exactly, as it happens, four years ago today – a certain Detective Constable Khoshbooi, of the Toronto Police Service, swore an...
LORINC: When “Friends of” park groups aren’t so friendly to outsiders
My inbox has been filling up all summer and into this balmy fall with the righteous indignation of two well-heeled neighbourhood groups whose members...
LORINC: The unnecessary return of Doug Ford
Give Doug Ford this much: one has to admire, in a grudging way, someone with the sheer lack of self-awareness required to believe that Torontonians are...
LORINC: TOCore and Jennifer Keesmaat’s legacy
Since the City announced chief planner Jennifer Keesmaat’s departure last week, much of the commentary about her stint in that high profile gig has...
LORINC: The street art bureaucrat
Away from the clamour surrounding Jennifer Keesmaat’s departure as chief planner, the City of Toronto has seen another significant, although considerably...
LORINC: Dedicate foreign-buyers tax to social housing
The latest spitball fired in the ongoing pissing match between the City and the province came from the new Liberal housing minister, Etobicoke MPP Peter...
LORINC: Does TCHC even know the extent of its fire risk? Part III
Update: Joe Cressy, Trinity-Spadina councillor and a member of the Toronto Community Housing board, on Tuesday provided Spacing with fire fatality...
LORINC: How safe are Toronto’s high-rises? Part II
In the aftermath of the Grenfell blaze that killed a still undetermined number of Londoners, many people in Toronto began asking the question, could it...
LORINC: Are Toronto’s high-rises safe for seniors? Part I
This is part 1 of a 3-part series on the challenges faced by residents of Toronto Community Housing Marjorie MacMillan, a retiree who lives in the Toronto...
Pam McConnell 1946-2017: A true public servant
In 1997, just months before the old City of Toronto was swallowed up into the chaos of amalgamation, Pam McConnell, who then represented an east-end...