Extreme Subway Makeovers
Could drab, functional Museum station one day feel like an extension of the Royal Ontario Museum, with Greek columns in the place of its current...
By Chris Hardwicke -
An international conference on the potential for those huge TVs that proliferate our cities will be held in Amsterdam this September. Similar to the piece...
By Shawn Micallef -
Toronto Trolls
The Toronto Troll project is currently running at Mercer Union. They’re going to do art stuff in the city at night to remind us that the city still...
By Shawn Micallef -
Vienna goes ad-free
All the signs in a popular Vienna shopping district have been swathed in bright yellow fabric as part of an art project designed to spark debate about...
By Matthew Blackett -
In no way removed
While parks are recreational spaces where an individual or group can take a break from the urban environment, the parkette’s natural environmental...
By Matthew Blackett -
The Halftone Conspiracy
The Halftone Conspiracy is a collaborative poster project. Monthly, the co-conspirators gather, with posters they’ve created in hand, to transform a...
By Matthew Blackett -
Public Art in Vancouver Alleys
A group called Space Agency has organized a temporary public art project for alleyways in Gastown for a weekend in August.
By Dylan Reid