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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Toronto Trolls

    The Toronto Troll project is currently running at Mercer Union. They’re going to do art stuff in the city at night to remind us that the city still...

  • Vienna goes ad-free

    All the signs in a popular Vienna shopping district have been swathed in bright yellow fabric as part of an art project designed to spark debate about...

  • In no way removed

    While parks are recreational spaces where an individual or group can take a break from the urban environment, the parkette’s natural environmental...

  • The Halftone Conspiracy

    The Halftone Conspiracy is a collaborative poster project. Monthly, the co-conspirators gather, with posters they’ve created in hand, to transform a...

  • Public Art in Vancouver Alleys

    A group called Space Agency has organized a temporary public art project for alleyways in Gastown for a weekend in August.
