Tuesday’s Headlines
TRANSIT Snow, streetcars and street parking: A perennial recipe for traffic chaos [Globe and Mail] Go Transit, Barrie line Quiet Zone a silent success...
By Kayla-Jane Barrie -
Richard Serra’s King City Shift revisited — sunrise to sunset
This past fall I revisited the Richard Serra Shift sculpture, found up in King City, and wrote about it in my Toronto Star column. The Ontario Heritage...
By Shawn Micallef -
Monday’s Headlines
TTC TTC keeping pigeons away from Bathurst station with sounds of distressed birds [Toronto Star] If Toronto wants improved transit, the people will have...
By Kayla-Jane Barrie -
LORINC: The dueling plans for the Downtown Relief Line
Here’s a quirky coincidence: The future of the Downtown Relief Line (DRL) rests, at the moment, in the hands of six women — three politicians and three...
By John Lorinc -
Urban Planet: Can bike-share programs overcome the helmet hurdle?
Bike-share programs have really been taking off in North America over the past few years, but not in municipalities with strict helmet laws. This article...
By Jonathan Zettel -
Street Scene will appear each week showcasing the illustrations of local artist Jerry Waese.
By Jerry Waese -
EVENTS: YIMBY Festival 2013
On Saturday, February 16th, community groups and campaigns that celebrate backyard projects big and small will unite in an annual “Yes In My Back...
By Jake Schabas -
Friday’s Headlines
SNOW STORM More snow on the way for Toronto [Toronto Sun] Major snowstorm in Ontario causes flight cancellations, school closures [Globe & Mail...
By Julie Fish -
LORINC: The human side of pedestrians vs. police
At lunch hour yesterday, I was standing next to a herd of teenagers, waiting to cross St. Clair West at Bathurst. As usual, I positioned myself just a few...
By John Lorinc -
10 questions to ask a transit planner
Cities are full of armchair transit planners — so much so, in fact, that the practice is derisively known as “drawing lines on a map.” But it’s far more...
By Spacing -
Film noir series hits Toronto subway platforms
One afternoon in the fictional town of Passing B.C., a bike courier has been found murdered. Everyone in the town is considered a suspect, including his...
By Kayla-Jane Barrie -
Thursday’s headlines
TORONTO CASINO It’s time for casino opponents to treat Torontonians like adults [Toronto Sun] Toronto casino slammed by OLG chair’s company RioCan...
By Mairin Piccinin