Chicago’s Festival of Maps
CHICAGO — Not much sounds more appealing than a Festival of Maps, and Chicago delivered that holiday gift (and continues to deliver it) in its...
By Liz Clayton -
First Canadian Place vs. Empire State Building
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87Iy1H_4adc[/youtube] This time lapse of First Canadian Place by izod shot during it signage makeover (the old...
By Shawn Micallef -
Urgent: Urban philanthropist needed for Community History Project (redux)
ED: This entry was posted last Friday — we’ve been informed that the Community History Project is still looking for space this week, though...
By Shawn Micallef -
Does transit card design matter?
There are so many issues on the TTC’s “hierarchy of problems” that questioning the metropass’s design could seem frivolous or even...
By Shawn Micallef -
Wednesdays’s headlines
• Details of city’s plan lost in fog [ Toronto Star ] • Why Toronto trails China on bag ban [ Toronto Star ] • Recreation fee hike...
By Monika Warzecha -
Mihevc talks recreation
Councillor Joe Mihevc has served his midtown Ward 21 for 17 years. The son of blue collar Slovenian immigrants, Councillor Mihevc began his political...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
Tree Tuesday: The Healthy House
Every Tuesday, Todd Irvine of LEAF posts a stop from the Toronto Tree Tours, a collaborative project of LEAF and the Toronto Public Space Committee. The...
By Todd Irvine -
Paying to play
Cross-posted from Eye Weekly. Today’s top story: the city has a plan to raise user fees for recreation programs. The intent of the plan is to invest...
By Dale Duncan -
Tuesday’s headlines
• City plans big fee hikes [ Toronto Star ] • Hefty rise in recreation fees proposed [ Globe and Mail ] • A decade later, some still...
By Monika Warzecha -
Spacing does CBC Radio One this afternoon
For those with access to a radio this afternoon: Spacing associate editors Shawn Micallef and Dylan Reid will be on Here and Now with Matt Galloway...
By Spacing -
Is it time for party politics at city hall?
During all the hullabaloo over bringing in the land transfer and vehicle registration taxes — not to mention the outrage that ensued when Mayor...
By Dale Duncan -
Montréal Monday — downtown living, beautiful suburbs, and countrified alleyways
Each Monday, Spacing will bring you some of the popular posts from our sister blog, Spacing Montréal. We’ll keep an eye open for topics and...
By Todd Harrison