Citizen TTC Commissioners
Eye Weekly was inspired by a suggestion by Ed Drass, the transit columnist of the daily commuter paper Metro, that the two seats currently open on the TTC...
By Spacing -
The city revisits the expressway
Like so many roadways of the 1950s and ’60s, Seattle’s I-5 freeway cut through the city and destroyed pedestrian connections between...
By Laura Hatcher -
Light poles disappearing in Baltimore
No one is sure why 130 light poles in Baltimore have disappeared.
By Matthew Blackett -
Dreams of Front Street
The Union Station precinct study (led by various architects and consultants) held a public meeting tonight to discuss options for re-shaping Front Street...
By Dylan Reid -
Light pollution
Above is a real-time image of the northeast of North America. At night, it clearly demonstrates the amount of light pollution our continent creates...
By Matthew Blackett -
BMX park along the waterfont?
Tomorrow evening (Wednesday, December 14) Councillor Sylvia Watson is holding a community meeting to discuss the idea of building a BMX course at Marilyn...
By Dale Duncan -
Vanity Fair and Toronto
Looks like Vanity Fair has a thing for Toronto. On VanityFair.com, Tepper Anderson visits our fair city and discovers the vibrancy of Toronto’s...
By Matthew Blackett -
Is Toronto ready to grow up?
(all links go to the Toronto Star) Is Toronto ready to grow up? Christopher Hume ponders this qestion in his column today regarding the potential overhaul...
By Matthew Blackett -
Development developments
Today the Ontario government proposed new legislation that would give councils and citizens more power to determine what developments go ahead, and...
By Matthew Blackett -
Hybrid taxis in NYC
On November 10, 2005 the first hybrid taxi fleet was launched in New York City. The vehicle runs on a combination of gas and electricity and generally...
By Matthew Blackett -
The posters of climate change
Yvonne Bambrick, one of the organizers behind Pedestrian Sundays in Kensington Market, sent along a photo of some of the street art that lined the streets...
By Matthew Blackett -
Subverting graffiti
Christopher Hutsul has an interesting piece in the Toronto Star today about a Sony graffiti promotion in NYC and San Francisco: Graffiti purists are...
By Matthew Blackett