PODCAST: Spacing Radio 024, Ontario Votes!
Election day is fast approaching, advanced polls are already open, so let’s talk Ontario. We’re joined by TV Ontario’s John Michael...
By Spacing Radio -
LORINC: Toronto’s road safety shame
LEIPZIG, GERMANY, reporting from the International Transport Forum — The contrast could scarcely be starker: with yet another death last week driving up...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Sidewalk Labs’s district energy gambit
Within the next week or so, Sidewalk Labs will sign contracts with two as-yet unnamed engineering firms tasked with figuring out one of the central goals...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Ford’s transit promises have nothing to do with transit
Do. Not. Be. Distracted. By. The. Shiny. Object. I speak, of course, about Doug Ford’s promise to spend $5 billion on transit, on top of previously...
By John Lorinc -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 023, Winning Women
If you can read this, the 2018 Toronto election has begun! Toronto City Council has a problem when it comes to gender parity and diversity. Women Win...
By Spacing Radio -
The roots of Doug Ford’s white saviour complex
Race can be an awkward topic of discussion, especially if raised by a Black person. In this instance, some people can interpret the topic as a personal...
By Cheryl Thompson -
What Airbnb is doing to Toronto’s rental apartment market
As housing prices continue to soar in major cities across the world, Airbnb’s profits are following suit. This is not a coincidence. In fact, my own...
By Sean Grisdale -
LORINC: Sidewalk Toronto hires a fixer
Has the outfit that promised to build a waterfront community from the Internet up decided that it needs a reboot, or at least an installation of the...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Why regime change doesn’t necessarily mean a swing to the right
In so many ways, Doug Ford’s bluster bus is already the most riveting story of this spring’s election, although his response to yesterday’s Liberal budget...
By John Lorinc -
What a Doug Ford government will do about (or to) transit
In the next few days, work crews will begin tearing up the intersection of Finch Ave. West and Martin Grove — deep in the heart of Ford Nation – in order...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Why Sidewalk Toronto needs to consult with you
In the heady days of Toronto’s mid-1980s real estate boom, large parcels of land along the central waterfront began rapidly changing hands in what...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Toronto needs a real race for mayor
Doug Ford’s strange weekend victory in the Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership race serves to clarify much of the muddiness that’s swirled around...
By John Lorinc