Spacing’s ‘Remnants of Mid-Century Toronto’ book wins Lt. Governor’s Ontario Heritage Award
Spacing is proud to announce that our book, Remnants of Mid-Century Toronto, has won the Lieutenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Award for Excellence in...
By Spacing -
NEW ISSUE: City Growing
Sometimes we get a series of pitches that don’t fit well into a particular issue, but relate to each other as they accumulate in our pitch pile over time...
By Dylan Reid -
SPACING’S NEW BOOK: Souvenirs of Toronto Sports
Spacing is happy to announce the release of our tenth book, Souvenirs of Toronto Sports: Stories Inspired by the City’s Athletic Memorabilia. You can...
By Matthew Blackett -
Achtung! Go for a German Walk T.O.
Over the summer and fall I was happy to work with a team put together by the German Consulate in Toronto on a series of audio walks exploring...
By Shawn Micallef -
The long history of cycling in Windsor, Canada’s Motor City
The Windsor Law Centre for Cities at the University of Windsor recently published a detailed history of cycling in Canada’s Motor City. Spacing...
By Spacing -
EXCERPT: Outdoor School – Under the Freeway, a Forest: Some Notes on Trespassing
Outdoor School includes the contemporary environmental art of more than 20 Canadian and Indigenous artists. Below is an excerpt from a curatorial essay...
By Spacing -
In memory: Q&A with Michelle Senayah
Michelle Senayah, co-founder of the Laneway Project and a force behind Open Streets Toronto, died suddenly at the age of 36 earlier this summer. In...
By Glyn Bowerman -
SPACING’S NEW BOOK: Remnants of Mid-Century Toronto
WHAT: Remnants of Mid-Century Toronto, photos by Vik Pahwa, edited by Matthew Blackett COST: $25 / use midcenturylove during checkout for $5 off BUY...
By Matthew Blackett -
When do we admit that Toronto’s housing crisis is an emergency?
Should the City of Toronto declare a housing and homelessness emergency? Reports on deaths of homeless people, increasing levels of housing...
By John Clapp -
The Beautiful Mess of Toronto Laneways, my newest book for Spacing
There is no public space that holds my heart quite like a laneway. When I moved downtown in the mid-1990s I began to wander the city’s alleys to marvel at...
By Matthew Blackett -
Transportation tech bros need to listen to the Vision Zero folks
When we talk about Smart Cities, which seems to be all the time now, we hear about tensions between public governance and corporate interests. It is...
By Tricia Wood -
Toronto could learn a lot about civic engagement from Edmonton and Calgary
Let’s assume that Doug Ford isn’t going to declare himself Premier-for-life and that one day, we will have another Premier and maybe even a different...
By Tricia Wood