STREET SCENE: Morning Snow Dog
Street Scene will appear each week showcasing the illustrations of local artist Jerry Waese.
By Jerry Waese -
Street Scene will appear each week showcasing the illustrations of local artist Jerry Waese.
By Jerry Waese -
Street Scene will appear each week showcasing the illustrations of local artist Jerry Waese.
By Jerry Waese -
Zoning for midrises
In my article in the most recent print issue of Spacing, I argued that if the City of Toronto wants to properly manage building height in this city, it...
By Dylan Reid -
NO MEAN CITY: A killing, “the projects,” and the new Regent Park
Cross-posted from No Mean City, Alex’s personal blog on architecture Terrible news in Regent Park last weekend: the killing of a teenager...
By Alex Bozikovic -
Walking the last of the Toronto Green Line — Casa Loma to the Bridgeman Transformer Station
EDITOR: This is the final of Shawn Micallef’s posts following the Green Line hydro corridor through midtown Toronto, location of the Green Line...
By Shawn Micallef -
KEN GREENBERG: The debilitating myth of a divided Toronto
This is a crucial passage for Toronto, one that will call upon all of our collective ingenuity and reserves of good will to get beyond the debilitating...
By Ken Greenberg -
Instaflaneur: Scarborough strip malling
My column in the Toronto Star on Friday was connected to my TEDx talk of the same subject that, in part, looked at how Toronto’s suburban strip...
By Shawn Micallef -
Instaflaneur: on and off the grid in Toronto + Torontohenge
The Toronto street grid lines up perfectly with either the setting or rising sun four time a year. Perfect alignment happens again this Thursday, but...
By Shawn Micallef -
Instaflaneur: leaf peeping on the DVP
This Thanksgiving weekend the leaves are at about peak colour in Toronto — but there’s no need to leave the city. Just wander any of the...
By Shawn Micallef -
STREET SCENE: On Augusta Street Scene will appear each week showcasing the illustrations of local artist Jerry Waese.
By Jerry Waese -
Headspace VIDEO: Kristyn Wong-Tam discusses Yonge Street
Kristyn Wong-Tam is city councillor for ward 27 in Toronto. A vocal champion of walking, the public realm and shared streets, Councillor Wong-Tam, in...
By Luca De Franco