LORINC: Tory needs to use new traffic data to fight congestion
To absolutely no one’s surprise, Mayor John Tory has emerged as the kind of leader who looks both ways — all puns and double entendres intended — before...
By John Lorinc -
REID: To press or not to press: a guide to pedestrian buttons
I’ve seen a few inquiries recently by people who noticed pedestrian signal push-buttons being installed at major intersections. They found it odd...
By Dylan Reid -
The slow and deadly evolution of Toronto’s crosswalks
Crossing the street in Toronto has been a potentially deadly challenge for almost a century. Until the 1950s, when the number of automobiles dramatically...
By Chris Bateman -
10 NO BRAINERS: Lead the Way for Cyclists
10 No Brainers to Make Toronto More Awesome! is a project of the Centre for City Ecology that highlights small, achievable actions at the City-level that...
By Claire Nelischer -
Logan Ave.: An unofficial slow street
“Slow zones” — neighbourhoods where the maximum speed limit is 30 km/hr (or 20 mph in the US/UK) — are becoming popular in various...
By Dylan Reid -
Re-linking the Ravine
Editor’s note: This is the sixth post in a series by students at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. Each piece features...
By Sonia Ramundi -
Beyond the Big Box
Editor’s note: This is the second post in a series by students at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. Each piece...
By Sonia Ramundi -
Mirvish + Gehry sing a new tune: A change of plans for King Street West
My, how things can change. With the recent announcement that Mirvish + Gehry Toronto, David Mirvish’s proposed mixed-use development under the...
By Kristen Gagnon -
Brampton’s light rail blues
As we continue to debate the merits of subways and light rail here in Toronto, it’s worth noting that across southern Ontario, there’s...
By Sean Marshall -
LORINC: Why aren’t we bundling transit into the Gardiner removal decision?
With the sort of discretion normally reserved for wait staff and funeral directors, Waterfront Toronto’s (WT) board very quietly released its...
By John Lorinc -
A review of the new Shaw Street bike route
It has been a rather trying winter for cyclists in Toronto. Besides the unseasonably cold temperatures, the snow and ice has made cycling difficult...
By Sean Marshall -
Open streets coming to Toronto?
Pedestrians and cyclists alike may soon get their chance to take over a major street in Toronto, if only for a few days during the summer. Open streets...
By Josh Sherman