LORINC: Can City Council avoid the white elephant in the room?
While Toronto’s politicians have yet to turn their collective attention to the question of whether the city needs new revenue tools to address growing...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Transit’s “last mile” solution may be mobility-as-a-service companies
I loath Rogers just as much as the next red-blooded Canadian, and, on certain days, possibly even more. But I have to give the telecom conglomerate, and...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Why a Patrick Brown government will target Greenbelt and Metrolinx
At this stage of the game, it would be foolish to depict Raymond Cho’s by-election victory for the Tories last week as a harbinger of anything in...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Tory tries to position himself for 2018 election
When John Tory launched a pointed broadside against the TTC two weeks ago over the agency’s reluctance to make deep cuts to its operating budget, the...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Why transit has become Toronto’s moral hazard
If I have to be brutally candid about my gut reaction to last week’s transit decision, I’ll confess that part of me felt the people of Scarborough are...
By John Lorinc -
How to prioritize the safety of women on the TTC
This week, city council approved a motion by Kristyn Wong-Tam to review city services “to eliminate any existing bias against women” and ensure that...
By Abby Plener -
LORINC: The Scarborough subway and the climate change agenda
What will future residents of Scarborough think, 30 or 40 years hence, when they cast their minds back to the craven transit decisions being made today by...
By John Lorinc -
Why did John Tory play the race card in transit politics?
In a moment of complete candor, Mayor John Tory implied in a Toronto Star op-ed on Monday that critics of the Scarborough subway are anti-immigrant —in...
By Fatima Syed -
LORINC: A city that doesn’t learn from transit mistakes
How many times do we have to bang our heads against the wall before we finally get the message? Apparently, based on Friday’s little news nugget about...
By John Lorinc -
Who will save Toronto’s old streetcars?
Toronto’s outgoing fleet of streetcars could be the first not to get a second life in another city. Perhaps due to advanced decrepitude, the current...
By Chris Bateman -
THE ARTFUL CITY: Art in Transit
By Laura Berazadi In Canada, the first integrated public art program was established in 1961 when the Province of Quebec introduced its Art in...
By The Artful City -
The Don Mills Safety Village taught kids to drive
1962 was a rough year for kids. In the 12 months between January and December, 20 young people under the age of 14 were killed on Toronto’s streets...
By Chris Bateman