Urban Design
Changing the definition of accessibility
André Darmanin is a recovered transit planner and currently writes on planning and policy issues on his blog — Metro Governance...
By André Darmanin -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 035, Activate
In this episode, we join Thomas McKechnie, playwright and organizer with Foodsters United — a new union working for a fair deal for food delivery workers...
By Spacing Radio -
Understanding Ron Arad’s new public art at Yonge and Bloor
Outside of One Bloor East, two towering cylindrical figures slink around one another. The sculpture’s reflective steel encasement is contrasted with hints...
By Sarah Ratzlaff -
OP-ED: Toronto’s planning needs less politics, not more
Brad Bradford is a Toronto city councillor and former urban planner When I saw Doug Ford’s new planning legislation my first thought was “wow...
By Brad Bradford -
Is it time for Canadian cities to think about road pricing? Put it to the people and find out.
Editor: With congestion grinding cities down and road pricing hitting political buffers, is there a better route to a solution? Spacing is pleased to...
By Nicholas Sanderson -
Suburban land use & climate change: Making the connections and taking action
In the wake of the sudden and unexpected announcement of the termination of her position, the Environmental Commissioner for the Province of Ontario has...
By Tricia Wood -
How city hall is keeping needed change out of ‘stable neighbourhoods’
Item: In a development application [download PDF] heard by the Etobicoke-York district committee of adjustment in late February, a builder proposed...
By George Popper -
Did the Sidewalk Labs plot just thicken, or is the story coming to an end?
A series of exposés in recent days, in both The Toronto Star and the National Observer, revealed that Sidewalk Labs has retained a small army of lobbyists...
By Bianca Wylie -
Can we stop talking about congestion? It’s not the point
This is probably a pointless plea, but can we stop talking about congestion? Our conversations about transportation in Canadian urban regions these days...
By Tricia Wood -
Life on the Line: Light in the Tunnel
(Alex Garant, “Midnight”) For the past month, you may have noticed a...
By Sarah Ratzlaff -
Is good regional transit planning impossible?
Image: Christof Spieler, Trains, Buses, People: An Opinionated Atlas of U.S. Transit, Island Press. The recent news from Vancouver is driving some to...
By Tricia Wood -
Guest Op-ed: Building a Waterfront City in Toronto
OP-ED: By City Councillor Joe Cressy Revitalizing our waterfront is the largest and longest-lasting project that we will leave for future generations of...
By Spacing