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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Masdar City: eco-friendly city of the future

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Sitting like a mirage in the desert, Masdar City might just be on the frontier of a new – environmental friendly – urban life.

The city is an $18 billion  project in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates and is scheduled to be completed by 2015. It will be home to 40,000 residents within a two square mile radius, where cars are simply not allowed. Each building in the city being toted as carbon-neutral and residents are transported about via PRTs (Personal Rapid Transit) pods.

A 148-foot tower draws cool air down to create a perpetual breeze in the courtyard of the Masdar Institute.

Via Popsci

Urban Planet is a roundup of blogs from around the world dealing specifically with urban environments. For more stories from around the planet, check out Spacing on Facebook and Twitter.




  1. What is a two square mile radius? If the radius is two miles, the area is about 12.5 square miles. If the area is two square miles, the radius is about 0.8 miles.

  2. Saying that building a new city in the middle of the desert is eco-friendly is like saying that throwing out your current Hummer to buy a new hybrid Hummer is eco-friendly.

    haha: “two square mile radius.”