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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

CoV – Transportation 2040: Talk Transportation With Us


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Transportation 2040: Talk Transportation With Us

The City of Vancouver is developing Transportation 2040, a long-term transportation plan that supports an inclusive, healthy, prosperous and livable future for Vancouver. The plan will guide transportation decisions for how people and goods will move in and around Vancouver over the next 30 years. It’s our roadmap for a future where walking, cycling, and transit are attractive options for getting around.

From now until July 13, 2012, as part of a second phase of public consultation, we’re looking for your input on draft policy directions before finalizing the plan later this year.

Here’s how you can be part of Transportation 2040, and have your say about Vancouver’s transportation future:

– Provide feedback on one or all six chapters of the draft directions by completing our questionnaire by July 13, 2012. You decide how much time you want to give us!

– Attend an event or meeting 

– Submit comments or request a meeting by emailing us

– Follow us on Twitter @vantransp2040

