This Is Edmonton: Painted Time Capsules
Hand-painted signs have more or less become a thing of the past, replaced by press-printed, illuminated signs, digital signboards, and the like. Designed...
By Tom Young -
Influential Edmontonians: Peter Hemingway
Edmonton’s built environment was strongly defined by its mid-century construction booms. While many buildings of that era are simplistic, cheap...
By Greg Whistance-Smith -
Molson Public Hearing Post-Mortem
This article follows upon two earlier articles discussing proposed plans for the Molson/Crosstown site in northwest Oliver. Those earlier articles can be...
By Kyle Witiw -
50 Years of Sport: The Jasper Place Sports Centre
On August 10, 1963 the Jasper Place Sports Centre (9200 163 Street) opened in the former Town of Jasper Place to much fanfare. The grand opening included...
By Kyle Witiw -
The House That Built a Global Village: Marshall McLuhan House
Over 100 years ago, one of the most important figures in media and communications theory was born in Edmonton. Herbert Marshall McLuhan was a young boy...
By Kyle Witiw -
Farewell Balloons
Dismantling of the historic Kelly Ramsey building brick-by-brick started this week. The materials will be later reused and incorporated into a new...
By Paul Giang -
Edmonton’s Lost Heritage: a troubling decade
Recently, Heritage Canada listed the Rossdale Power Plant, one of the most significant heritage resources in Edmonton and Alberta, in the top ten...
By Paul Giang -
No More Crap! A Comment on the Molson/Crosstown Proposal (Part Two)
This is the second of two articles discussing proposed plans for the Molson/Crosstown site in northwest Oliver. Part two focuses on the former Molson...
By Kyle Witiw -
We lost the vista
Editor’s note: This post was written by Shirley Lowe who is passionate about telling the stories of Edmonton and how the city evolved and grew. Lowe...
By Paul Giang -
EDMODERNTOWN (Part V): Postscript
Editor’s note: The final part of Trevor Boddy’s essay, EDMODERNTOWN: Four Factors Shaping Edmonton Architecture, which was initially published in...
By Paul Giang -
EDMODERNTOWN (Part IV): The Idea of North = Latitude for Innovation
Editor’s note: Part IV of Trevor Boddy’s essay, EDMODERNTOWN: Four Factors Shaping Edmonton Architecture, which was initially published in...
By Paul Giang -
EDMODERNTOWN (Part III): Social Gospel + Oil = Entrepreneurial Communitarians
Editor’s note: Part III of Trevor Boddy’s essay, EDMODERNTOWN: Four Factors Shaping Edmonton’s Architecture, which was initially published in...
By Paul Giang