When is efficient too efficient? Tech lessons from the port city of Hamburg
Cities can have ports, and many do. Moreover, successful ports make for thriving cities. But ports are not cities. They are not models for cities and they...
By Tricia Wood -
Analysis: the permanent King Street transit way is a model for all Toronto
The Toronto Streetcar, older or newer type, is an ever-present symbol of the city. The red, black and white TTC colours trundle along century old tracks...
By Nicholas Sanderson -
From Bach to Transport: Leipzig holds a key to the future of cities & Canadians should pay attention
The International Transportation Forum is an inter-governmental organization of the OECD. It holds a summit of transport ministers every year in Leipzig...
By Tricia Wood -
LORINC: The time to plan for the driverless revolution is now
During a week when the city was buzzing with thousands of tech types here for the ritual in-gathering that is the Collision conference, it seems...
By John Lorinc -
Safe Travels: Muslim Women on the move
In December 2015, I was scheduled to speak at the Toronto Dawah Centre in the Bloor Dufferin neighbourhood. Various faith communities were gathering there...
By Shazlin Rahman -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 034, Provincial Creatures
This month we look at how major swings in provincial politics are affecting cities across Canada. We talk to journalist and Walkcast host Tim Querengesser...
By Spacing Radio -
Suburban land use & climate change: Making the connections and taking action
In the wake of the sudden and unexpected announcement of the termination of her position, the Environmental Commissioner for the Province of Ontario has...
By Tricia Wood -
CodeRedTO Op Ed: Does Toronto transit need an upload? Or a download?
By Cameron MacLeod There’s been significant discussion on changing the regional transit org chart recently. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been accompanied by...
By Spacing -
Doug Ford’s TTC subway upload and Margaret Thatcher’s cautionary tale
As the province contemplates major structural change to Toronto’s transit system, I want to offer London’s rocky history with transit...
By Tricia Wood -
Can we stop talking about congestion? It’s not the point
This is probably a pointless plea, but can we stop talking about congestion? Our conversations about transportation in Canadian urban regions these days...
By Tricia Wood -
Is good regional transit planning impossible?
Image: Christof Spieler, Trains, Buses, People: An Opinionated Atlas of U.S. Transit, Island Press. The recent news from Vancouver is driving some to...
By Tricia Wood -
REID: Pedestrian buttons 2 – the rise of the audible signal
Four years ago, I wrote a piece explaining the different kinds of pedestrian buttons and how they work. The piece was in response to the introduction of...
By Dylan Reid