LORINC: The post-Will era begins
Waterfront Toronto’s public positioning to accompany the gang-plank resignation yesterday of its now former CEO Will Fleissig could be summarized thusly...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Breaking down Doug Ford’s impossible, ridiculous, scandalous subway to Pickering
Because we here in Spacing’s bustling newsroom like to provide informative and constructive analysis to politicians of all stripes, we felt it would be...
By John Lorinc -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 025, “Until We’re Safe”
In this episode, we discuss the problems with policing in Toronto. Alok Mukherjee was Chair of the Toronto Police Services Board from 2005-2015. In that...
By Spacing Radio -
What TCHC needs to do next with Regent Park
This is a guest column from Shauna Brail and Alfred Jean-Baptiste Over the relatively short time span of just over a decade, Regent Park has gone from a...
By Shauna Brail -
LORINC: How will Doug Ford govern?
How will Doug Ford govern? With a week left before he’s sworn in, the most crucial, and also the most elusive, question right now is what will be the form...
By John Lorinc -
Why I revived the Bureau of Municipal Research
Ten years ago, as a grad student researching the history of Toronto’s waterfront, I came across a study, published in 1977, that could very well have been...
By Gabriel Eidelman -
LORINC: Making sense of the most crazy-ass Ontario election ever
I have no idea if all bets are off. But you’ve got to think that the hallucinatory 48-hour period bracketed by Kathleen Wynne’s self-immolating concession...
By John Lorinc -
The need for site-specific works of art
Daniel Young and Christian Giroux’s new public art piece— Three Points Where Two Lines Meet, located at the intersection of Bathurst and Vaughan—has...
By Sarah Ratzlaff -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 024, Ontario Votes!
Election day is fast approaching, advanced polls are already open, so let’s talk Ontario. We’re joined by TV Ontario’s John Michael...
By Spacing Radio -
Creating child-friendly cities
by Dr. Judy Farvolden, Josh Fullan and Angela Ma Ask a kid what makes a great city and you’ll get answers that sound like those any good urbanist might...
By Josh Fullan -
LORINC: What Toronto should learn from Hamburg’s self-driving shuttle pilot
HAMBURG, GERMANY — At some point in 2019, the first of three curiously upright shuttle vehicles will begin tooling around a 3.6km loop of city streets in...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Sidewalk Labs, autonomous vehicles, and the persistent myth of driver error
LEIPZIG, GERMANY, reporting from the International Transport Forum — When Sidewalk Labs unveiled its plans for Toronto’s waterfront, the...
By John Lorinc