Three areas that will help relieve Toronto’s housing crisis
George Popper is a Toronto architect While Toronto desperately needs affordable housing, I believe the first step towards that goal is to create more...
By George Popper -
Guest Op-ed: Building a Waterfront City in Toronto
OP-ED: By City Councillor Joe Cressy Revitalizing our waterfront is the largest and longest-lasting project that we will leave for future generations of...
By Spacing -
REID: Some interesting public furniture in Russia
I recently returned from a trip to several cities in Russia, and wanted to share some interesting public space furniture ideas I encountered. Many Russian...
By Dylan Reid -
A modest proposal: An archeology park for downtown Toronto
Urban archaeology is a process that allows us to imagine the past in a very concrete way. And that imagining, even based on the smallest of artifacts...
By Michael McClelland -
LORINC: Rob Ford drove his reputation into the ground
On October 2, 2013 – exactly, as it happens, four years ago today – a certain Detective Constable Khoshbooi, of the Toronto Police Service, swore an...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: When “Friends of” park groups aren’t so friendly to outsiders
My inbox has been filling up all summer and into this balmy fall with the righteous indignation of two well-heeled neighbourhood groups whose members...
By John Lorinc -
Design for reconciliation: The Indigenous Place Making Council reclaims public space for First Nations
“When Rita Joe first come to the city, she told me … the cement made her feet hurt.” The last line of George Ryga’s landmark 1969 play The Ecstasy...
By Sarah B. Hood -
Mapping the flood vulnerability of the Toronto Islands
The recent inundation of the Toronto Islands has been a shocking reminder of their vulnerability. This spring saw the worst flooding in years due to some...
By James Steenberg -
The story of the Toronto Island’s modern architecture
When the flood water on the Toronto Island eventually recedes it will reveal a damaged and possibly forever altered landscape. For the first time in...
By Chris Bateman -
LORINC: Why a Patrick Brown government will target Greenbelt and Metrolinx
At this stage of the game, it would be foolish to depict Raymond Cho’s by-election victory for the Tories last week as a harbinger of anything in...
By John Lorinc -
How to get it right with the Rail Deck Park
In the last few weeks, City officials made a preliminary announcement about a new “Railway Deck Park” for downtown Toronto. This much-needed initiative...
By Robert Wright -
This private patio is supposed to be public space
First let me say this: I love patios. The wind in your hair, the sun on your face, the hot waft of a garbage trunk barreling down the street. It’s all...
By Jake Tobin Garrett