Shining a light on Toronto’s streetlamps
Street lighting is an important, yet overlooked, part of any city’s standard infrastructure. For over seventy years, Toronto’s streets were...
By Sean Marshall -
REID: Is ActiveTO on life support?
On a Sunday in the middle of May, I went for a bike ride along the south end of Bayview Ave., which was open to pedestrians and cyclists / closed to motor...
By Dylan Reid -
The duality of Amazon in Scarborough – from delivering jobs to packaging community relations
Amazon’s notoriety for exploitative work conditions, harmful environmental practices, corporate tax exemptions, and stripping jobs away from small...
By Aria Popal -
REID: Yes exit
It’s the kind of thing that has always hung out at the edge of our urban consciousness, that we used to occasionally notice and find irritating, but not...
By Dylan Reid -
OP-ED: YongeTOmorrow is an opportunity not to be missed
This is an op-ed by from YongeTOmorrow and co-signers Richard Florida, Rana Florida, Ken Greenberg, Dr. Robin Mazumder, Brent Toderian, Yvonne Bambrick...
By Yonge TOmorrow -
LORINC: Yonge Street’s new mission
It sometimes seems as if the ‘whither-Yonge Street’ question has been loitering on the edges of our civic debates ever since the City iced the...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: 2020, a year of urban resilience
The answer to the “whither-cities” question that’s buzzed around the edges of pandemic punditry was never seriously in doubt. Cities are...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Preparing to weather the winter pandemic
After an emotionally complicated long weekend featuring spectacular fall colours, ambiguously-limited Thanksgiving gatherings, and disturbing statistics...
By John Lorinc -
Fixing Avenue Road
The car wins on Avenue Road. It always does. The pattern of valuing the convenience of drivers over everything else has been fixed since 1959, when the...
By Murray Campbell -
REID: Our bridges should be places we want to walk
The City of Toronto is criss-crossed with ravines and sunken railways, and the way we connect the city across these gaps is with bridges. The most famous...
By Dylan Reid -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 049, City scenes that saved summer
It’s been a rough summer for everyone, but people have found ways to get outside and make the most of it. In this episode, we speak to 8 80...
By Glyn Bowerman -
REID: The beginning of the end for rush hour curb lanes?
One of the distinctive and ubiquitous characteristics of main streets in the older parts of Toronto is the rush hour curb lane. For two or four hours a...
By Dylan Reid