City of Vancouver Urban Design Studio: R.I.P 2004 – 2014
It is with great sadness that Spacing Vancouver must report the unofficial “death” of the City of Vancouver’s highly respected Urban...
By Erick Villagomez -
Active Fiction Project on until Nov. 23
The Active Fiction Project Have you ever wanted to walk through your favourite novel? Now’s your chance – come and check out the autumn...
By Spacing -
A Century After 1914: Vancouver’s War Memorials
Across Canada there are over 6,000 monuments and cenotaphs dedicated to remembering those who fought in the Great War (1914-18). This year marks the...
By Vancouver Heritage Foundation -
Release – Megaphone releases first ever report on homeless deaths in B.C.
Homelessness can be fatal, yet deaths associated with being homeless are largely preventable, according to the first ever report examining homeless deaths...
By Spacing -
EVENTS – Design Sundays: Housing for a connected city
Design Sundays is a series of playful explorations at the Museum of Vancouver around the theme of Housing for a Connected City. We will poke you to think...
By Spacing -
RELEASE: Megaphone to release report on homeless deaths in B.C., Nov. 6th
What: Release of ‘Dying on the Streets,’ report on homeless deaths in B.C. Where: 480 Smithe St., Vancouver, B.C. (Google Map) When...
By Spacing -
Doors Open Vancouver 2014 Retrospective
Authors: Berçin Janzen, George Poulos and Erick Villagomez Urban life depends of a myriad of interconnected and complex systems. Only rarely do citizens...
By Erick Villagomez -
EVENT: Women Transforming Cities’ 21st Café, October 16th
Looking at the world through rose-coloured glasses may smooth over the rough spots but in a city that isn’t working well for women and girls that isn’t...
By Spacing -
EVENT: Meet Vancouver’s Sharing Economy, Thursday October 16th
The “sharing economy” is a big buzzword these days, but often the talk is all about big tech giants like Airbnb or Uber. What we don’t often hear about is...
By Spacing -
RELEASE: Coalition of Vancouver Neighbourhoods – Municipal Parties Endorse Coalition’s Collaborative Approach to Planning
The Coalition of Vancouver Neighbourhoods is proud to announce that the NPA, COPE, Vancouver Greens, OneCity, Cedar Party, and independent Bob Kasting...
By Spacing -
EVENT: Revisiting Chinatown Revitalization, Oct. 8th
Revisiting Chinatown Revitalization WHERE: Centre A, 229 E. Georgia Street WHEN: Wednesday October 8th, 8-10pm ADMSSSION: Free. Tea will be served. Join...
By Spacing -
#CycleChicFilms: Companionship
Personal style comes out in lots of ways: what you wear, where you ride, whom you spend your time with. Amy, the subject of our newest Cycle Chic Film...
By Chris Bruntlett