Embracing the Future: An Interview with Kobus Mentz
With so many challenges facing urban environments, it’s difficult for urban planning and design professionals to see where they might fit in and how...
By Erick Villagomez -
Perspectives in Place: Dungeons and Dragons – A Quest for the White Picket Fence
Once upon a time, in a land not–so far away, a local Writer stepped out of an elevator and into the lobby of a shopping mall in Vancouver. Frantically...
By Jamie Burke -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 080, Toronto’s Drone Scandal
We heard a lot about drones at the Paris Olympics, but what about in our own backyard? In this episode, Spacing‘s John Lorinc tells us about a piece...
By Spacing Radio -
_________ Oriented Development (Please fill in)
Ok, so we Lower Mainlanders are well positioned to land world capital in the form of new addresses that will continue to pay their property taxes (whether...
By scothein -
EVENT: Introduction to Neighbourhood Design (SFU) – Sept. 2024
Scot Hein was one of the most respected planners at Vancouver City Hall. For the last few years, he has been using his skills to train other planners. He...
By Spacing -
Learning from Moses
The more things change the more they stay the same. – Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, 1849 Robert Moses is a controversial figure in urban planning...
By Erick Villagomez -
UCS #13: Planning Department Sponsorship
See our Launch and Introduction about the launch of the © Urban Cartoon Syndicate and the announcement by CityHallWatch.
By Urban Cartoon Syndicate -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 079, Is Toronto strangled by rules?
Toronto is often accused of being over-regulated. It’s a fair criticism. For example, photographer and urbanist commentator Dan Seljak tells us how...
By Spacing Radio -
A View to A Kill
What is the true value of a view? This question should be top of mind among all Vancouverites as the City of Vancouver Council considers removing the...
By Erick Villagomez -
City of Glassholes
City of GlassholesWorld Classholes dog eat downward dogcity of narrow shoulderscity of broad stereotypescity that ever sleepslong legs running off at the...
By Derek DeLand -
Practicing Bad Habits
Stupid is as stupid does. We’ve forgotten how to make cities that work for everyone. Critics will say that our local affordability crises can be...
By scothein -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 078, Bike Month
It’s Bike Month! It’s a time we celebrate cycle culture in Toronto and surrounding cities and towns. At least officially. Despite some...
By Spacing Radio