A View to A Kill
What is the true value of a view? This question should be top of mind among all Vancouverites as the City of Vancouver Council considers removing the...
By Erick Villagomez -
City of Glassholes
City of GlassholesWorld Classholes dog eat downward dogcity of narrow shoulderscity of broad stereotypescity that ever sleepslong legs running off at the...
By Derek DeLand -
Practicing Bad Habits
Stupid is as stupid does. We’ve forgotten how to make cities that work for everyone. Critics will say that our local affordability crises can be...
By scothein -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 078, Bike Month
It’s Bike Month! It’s a time we celebrate cycle culture in Toronto and surrounding cities and towns. At least officially. Despite some...
By Spacing Radio -
Broadway Plan Shenanigans
Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra once said: “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” This is top of mind for...
By Erick Villagomez -
UCS #5: Vancouver’s Official Development Plan
See our Launch and Introduction about the launch of the © Urban Cartoon Syndicate and the announcement by CityHallWatch.
By Urban Cartoon Syndicate -
Broadway Plan Interactive Map
Information matters….and so does context. So, as the City of Vancouver embarks on four open houses related to the Broadway Plan over the next week...
By Erick Villagomez -
The Ground We Share
“The way he stares, he’s forcing you to engage with him.” Zun Lee, the renowned street photographer known for his profound interactions with his subjects...
By Trent Weston -
S101S – Understanding Shadow Studies: Why They Matter
Shadow studies often get lost amid the seemingly more pressing issues related to current urban planning and design. However, the relevance of shadow...
By Erick Villagomez -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 074, 20 Years of Spacing
Spacing is celebrating its 20th Anniversary. To celebrate, we talk to publisher Matthew Blackett and executive editor Dylan Reid about how the magazine...
By Spacing Radio -
The Future Fix: Preventing Extreme Heat Disaster
THIS EPISODE: Preventing Extreme Heat Disaster With climate change leading to more frequent and more extreme climate events, predicting the next disaster...
By Spacing Radio -
The Future Fix: Ending Energy Poverty
THIS EPISODE: Ending Energy Poverty Many people across the country struggle to make ends meet. In many cases, that means they experience energy poverty...
By Spacing Radio