By John Lorinc
LORINC: Sidewalk Labs, autonomous vehicles, and the persistent myth of driver error
LEIPZIG, GERMANY, reporting from the International Transport Forum — When Sidewalk Labs unveiled its plans for Toronto’s waterfront, the...
LORINC: Toronto’s road safety shame
LEIPZIG, GERMANY, reporting from the International Transport Forum — The contrast could scarcely be starker: with yet another death last week driving up...
LORINC: Sidewalk Labs’s district energy gambit
Within the next week or so, Sidewalk Labs will sign contracts with two as-yet unnamed engineering firms tasked with figuring out one of the central goals...
LORINC: Ford’s transit promises have nothing to do with transit
Do. Not. Be. Distracted. By. The. Shiny. Object. I speak, of course, about Doug Ford’s promise to spend $5 billion on transit, on top of previously...
LORINC: Walking in the shadow of Yonge Street attack
There’s a lot of talk these days — on Spacing and elsewhere — about “messy urbanism.” But if you want to understand what this evocatively gritty phrase...
LORINC: Sidewalk Toronto hires a fixer
Has the outfit that promised to build a waterfront community from the Internet up decided that it needs a reboot, or at least an installation of the...
The next steps for the Toronto Museum
Co-authored with Claire Nelischer After years of deliberation and many unrealized plans, the City is finally set to establish Toronto’s first city museum...
LORINC: Why regime change doesn’t necessarily mean a swing to the right
In so many ways, Doug Ford’s bluster bus is already the most riveting story of this spring’s election, although his response to yesterday’s Liberal budget...
What a Doug Ford government will do about (or to) transit
In the next few days, work crews will begin tearing up the intersection of Finch Ave. West and Martin Grove — deep in the heart of Ford Nation – in order...
LORINC: Why Sidewalk Toronto needs to consult with you
In the heady days of Toronto’s mid-1980s real estate boom, large parcels of land along the central waterfront began rapidly changing hands in what...
LORINC: Toronto needs a real race for mayor
Doug Ford’s strange weekend victory in the Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership race serves to clarify much of the muddiness that’s swirled around...
LORINC: Sidewalk Labs launches its dog and pony show
Beginning this week, Torontonians will start to hear a lot more from Sidewalk Labs Toronto as the company, a subsidiary of Google/Alphabet, embarks...