Heritage Toronto walks Saturday and Sunday
As part of this month’s Festival of Architecture & Design, Heritage Toronto is leading numerous different walks throughout the city. Each walk...
By Matthew Blackett -
Motorhead Beachhead
The Beaches vs. The Beach is not the only battle on the beach in Toronto — a coalition of Parkdale community groups is trying to stop a waterfront...
By Shawn Micallef -
Good articles from the Star & NOW
Some recent articles in the Star are worth posting about: 1. The City wants to crack down on vehicles idling. 2. Royson James writes about the need for...
By Matthew Blackett -
Roman Impressions
I have just arrived in Rome, and even after just a day and a half of walking around I’ve already formed some strong impressions of Roman public...
By Dylan Reid -
Queen St. West Heritage meeting
The second Public Meeting for the Queen Street West Heritage Conservation District Study will be held on Wednesday February 22, 2006 — 7:30pm at...
By Dylan Reid -
SPACING: The New City is the old photoblog
Your Monday SPACING.CA feature: Spacing contributor Sean Waisglass scours old bookstores and always seems to turn up interesting gems. This summer he...
By Matthew Blackett -
Detroit Blog
My sister in Windsor sent me a link a couple weeks back to the Detroit Blog — I’ve been slowly going through his archives. All things Detroit...
By Shawn Micallef -
TTC to reconnect station to its landscape
The TTC has hired a group including noted Toronto architects Brown + Storey to help re-configure Victoria Park station and re-connect it to the ravine...
By Dylan Reid -
Toronto’s Public Spaces in 2005
Both Eye Weekly and NOW ran excellent 2005 year in review features. Here’s the stuff they pointed out that the Spacing Wire thinks is worth...
By Matthew Blackett -
Paul Dotey’s “Bridge”
Local artist Paul Dotey handed me a copy of his six-page zine at the release party of Spacing‘s current issue. I had it on my “must read...
By Matthew Blackett -
Nathan Phillips Sq. and a GTA transit authority
Two items from the Saturday edition of the Toronto Star: 1. Nathan Phillips Square renovations: In the words of city councillor, and vice chair of the...
By Matthew Blackett -
Union Station Precinct Meeting
As part of the planned renovation of Union Station, the city is holding a “precinct study” to look at how to renovate the area around the...
By Dylan Reid